Tacotron2 based multi-speaker text to speech
- Deep voice 2
- NVIDIA tacotron 2 implementation
Three places adding speaker embedding layers
- text encoder GRU initial state
- add speaker code after text encoder RNN
:dictionaries for different language
:where put training data and test data
python -m multiproc.py train.py -o outdir15/ -l logdir -c ./outdir5/tacotron2_statedict.pt --warm_start
location: 115 outdir14 data:
- mix indirect and direct speech with one speaker code + 39 female speaker from cusent
- storytelling sentences share the same speaker id
location: 114 outdir15 data:
- mix indirect and direct speech with one speaker code + 39 female speaker from cusent
- indirect speech: spk id 69 direct speech: spk id 70
- apex segmentation error:
conda install -c psi4 gcc-5
- tweak input format : replace with pandas dataframe instead of filelists