It is no longer recommended to use the Unity launcher. Please switch to the PatchKit Launcher SDK instead for better support and improved functionality. You can find the getting started guide here: and the full documentation here:
In this repository you can find PatchKit Patcher Unity project.
It's pretty important to use a stable and tester patcher version. You will find stable releases in here. Be careful, pre-releases are not suitable for production usage. Master branch is also not suitable for production usage. Always look for tags if you want to do an upgrade.
Sometimes, usually for the purpose of testing, we might want to start the Patcher without using the Launcher. It's possible through the use of 2 command line options --secret
and --installdir
, and most of the time also --readable
which forces the Patcher to interpret given secret without decoding it.
> Patcher.exe --readable --secret 123 --installdir "directory/to/install/the/app/in"
The native library is already precompiled.
If you need to recompile it, simply open the project file (getdiskspaceosx/getdiskspaceosx.xcodeproj
) in XCode and build it. The bundle will be automatically copied into Assets/Plugins/PatchKit/x86_64
- PK_PATCHER_FORCE_SECRET - force certain app secret
- PK_PATCHER_FORCE_VERSION - force certain app version
- PK_PATCHER_API_URL - change used url of API
- PK_PATCHER_API_CACHE_URL - changed used url of API cache
- PK_PATCHER_KEYS_URL - change used url of keys API
- PK_PATCHER_KEEP_FILES_ON_ERROR - keep temporary directories and files in case of patcher error
Head to File/Build settings...
and click Player Settings
. Now, open section titled Resolution and Presentation
and make sure that Fullscreen Mode
is set to Windowed. There you can also change the default resolution of the patcher, by modifying Default Screen Width/Height
. You might also want to set Resizable Window
to off.
Head to File/Build settings...
and click Player Settings
. Now, open section titled Resolution and Presentation
and make sure that Run In Background
is turned on.
Head to File/Build settings...
and click Player Settings
. Now, open section titled Resolution and Presentation
and make sure that Display Resolution Dialog
is set to Disabled