Converts a side-by-side 3d video into a red-cyan (anaglyph) video.
python input.mp4
usage: [-h] [-o OUT] [-i] [-g] [-v] [-p {180,360}] [--method {ch,gr}] [--projmethod {cubemap,flat}] [--projinter {nearest,linear,cubic}] [--fov FOV] [--theta THETA] [--phi PHI] [--scale SCALE] [--switch] [--fourcc FOURCC] [--preview] [--noaudio] inputname
Converts a side-by-side 3D video to Anaglyph (red-cyan) video.
positional arguments:
inputname The filename of the input
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o OUT, --out OUT The filename of the output
-i, --image Assume an image input
-g, --guess Guess parameters from the filename. This will suppress -v and -p.
-v, --vertical Assume a vertically stacked format
-p {180,360}, --project {180,360}
Project a 180 or 360 degree format (about twice slower). Assumes Equirectangular projection.
--method {ch,gr} Coloring method. default: ch <"ch": discard color channels that do not match.>, <"gr": set the image to grayscale then apply to the matching channels (left: red, right: cyan)>
--projmethod {cubemap,flat}
Projection method. default: cubemap
--projinter {nearest,linear,cubic}
Interpolation method for the projection. default: linear
--fov FOV FOV value used for --projmethod flat. default: 90
--theta THETA theta value used for --projmethod flat. default: 0
--phi PHI phi value used for --projmethod flat. default: 0
--scale SCALE Scale the input (%). default: 100
--switch Switch eyes.
--fourcc FOURCC The fourcc code of the output file. default: mp4v (if it doesn't work, try "XVID" with .avi)
--preview Show the output without saving
--noaudio Do not add the audio.
python example_input.png -i -o example_output.png -v
- Python3
- OpenCV for python
- FFmpeg