This is the newest version of Go-JS Array that I used to create in advance. Now Fun-go supports generic slice struct type which means you can use any kind of slice struct as an input.
Fun-go is the answer when you are sick of writing over and over again a looping block that seems giving much redundancy in your project. It's inspired by Javascript programming language to approach a better functional programming paradigm using Golang that at least currently doesn't support iteration methods.
package main
import (
fungo ""
Software Engineer: Fachrin Aulia Nasution
An always in beta software engineer
func main() {
// ProductList -> []ProductList{...}
productSlice := fungo.NewSlice(ProductList)
// get all product which has official store shop
productsFromOS, _ := productSlice.Filter(func(value interface{}, index int) bool {
product := value.(Product)
return product.Shop.IsOfficialStore
// get slice of product names string
productNames, _ := productSlice.Map(func(value interface{}, index int) interface{} {
return value.(Product).Name
// get total of product price in the list
productsPriceTotal := productSlice.Reduce(func(accumulator int64, value interface{}) int64 {
return accumulator + int64(value.(Product).Price)
// print all product names
productNameSlice := fungo.NewSlice(productNames)
productNameSlice.ForEach(func(value interface{}, index int) {
// output: Product Price Total: 15000
fmt.Println(fmt.Sprint("Product Price Total: ", productsPriceTotal))
// output: []main.Product{main.Product{ID:1, Name:"Kemeja", Price:1000, Shop:main.Shop{Name:"shop #1", IsOfficialStore:true}}, main.Product{ID:3, Name:"Dompet", Price:3000, Shop:main.Shop{Name:"shop #3", IsOfficialStore:true}}, main.Product{ID:5, Name:"Dispenser", Price:5000, Shop:main.Shop{Name:"shop #5", IsOfficialStore:true}}}
fmt.Printf("%#v\n", productsFromOS)
To try the program above, execute with this command:
cd $GOPATH/src/ && go run main.go marketplace.go
Benchmark Result tested on MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2016, Two Thunderbolt 3 ports) 2 GHz Intel Core i5 8 GB 1867 MHz LPDDR3 with 1.000.000 slice elements of struct can be found in the test file.
goos: darwin
goarch: amd64
BenchmarkFunctionalIteratorMap/functionalIterator-4 2000000000 0.29 ns/op
BenchmarkFunctionalIteratorMap/normalIterator-4 2000000000 0.13 ns/op
BenchmarkFunctionalIteratorFilter/functionalIterator-4 2000000000 0.14 ns/op
BenchmarkFunctionalIteratorFilter/normalIterator-4 2000000000 0.05 ns/op
BenchmarkFunctionalIteratorForEach/functionalIterator-4 2000000000 0.03 ns/op
BenchmarkFunctionalIteratorForEach/normalIterator-4 2000000000 0.00 ns/op
BenchmarkFunctionalIteratorReduce/functionalIterator-4 2000000000 0.03 ns/op
BenchmarkFunctionalIteratorReduce/normalIterator-4 2000000000 0.00 ns/op