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CHARM хъарм qarm ج ح م ʒ-h-m

𓎃 charm ϧⲏⲙ "heat" ϧⲙⲟⲙ <> sign 𓋩 𓎃 𓎄 𓊮 | be warm, hot, have fever, become feverish |
𒉘 EM3 •charm
𒌓 kum4 •charm "(be) hot"
𒌓 kum₄ חום khóm καῦμα kaûma "heat" <> θέρμη thérmē :

thermo ⲧⲙⲟ , ⲧⲙϩⲉ- , ⲧⲉⲙⲙⲟ⳼ set on fire, kindle; blaze, burn m. burning, heat

𓈎 𓂋 𓂋 𓊮 | fire | ⲭⲣⲱⲙ khrōm(i)
𓈎 𓂋 𓂋 𓊮 | fire | qur@Thai qvire

Proto-Indo-European *gʷʰer- “warm, hot”, θερμός (thermós), Latin formus, Sanskrit घर्म (gharma).
Proto-Indo-European *gʷʰer- *wer- “to burn”, Hittite (warnuzi) Slavonic варити (variti) garen

𒆳 kur to burn, light up kur charm

𒅆𒂟 gurum₂ charm "burn"

charm > κάμινος káminos Kamin => 𓆎

𒀝𒈬 AK-MU charm ⲭⲣⲱⲙ burn
𒀝𒈬 AK-ŊU Agni अग्नि

𒂊𒈨𒈬 eg₂-me-mu charm
𒂊𒈨𒈬 ᵏʱe-me-mu charm
𒂊𒈨𒈬 to be(come) hot

𒌑 𒍝𒄠𒈠𒀀 u-zaʳam-ma-a a'charm "burn"

𒅎𒈬 ᵡim-mu PIE ἦμαρ êmar “day” *h₂eh₃mr̥ “heat” charm
𒅎𒈬 daytime, heat (of day)

𒌝𒈬 ᵡum-mu charm
𒌝𒈬 (summer) heat

𒌝𒋗 ᵡum-šu 𒋗𒌝 šu-uma reversed ⇔ charm
𒌝𒋗 heat, summer

𒅗𒊏𒊒 ka-ra-ruᵐ charm
𒅗𒊏𒊒 midday heat

𒄩𒈠𒌅 ḫa-ma-ṭu ה meat
𒄩𒈠𒌅 to burn (up), roast meat


𓈎 𓂋 𓂋 𓊮 | cook | cogh⋍corr კოცონი kˀɔčʰɔni kochen camp(fire)
𓈎 𓂋 𓂋 𓊮 | •roast, fry | kura-; ku-ra-at; ku-ra-ak @ Elamite

𒃲𒃲𒇻 qal-qal-lu •kokeln köchern cook “burn, to roast” ⇔ char

𒄫 KIR⁴ kiln culīna “kitchen” *kokʷlīna kokeln

𒄫𒊒 kir-ru
𒄫𒊒 a big jar, fire?

charm 𓐍𓅓𓊮 घर्म gharma warm
charm 𓐍𓅓𓊮 ⲭⲣⲱⲙ fire! 𓊮
charm 𓋴𓂋𓆑𓊮 warm ⇔ worm < Gewürm ⇔ therma

𒂊𒈨𒈬 ᵏʱe-me-mu ⇔ घर्म gharma
𒂊𒈨𒈬 to be(come) hot

𓋴 𓂋 𓆑 𓊮 | hot | scharf!

𓐍 𓏏 𓏏 𓊮 | (fem.) fiery | hot

*Gefeuer > gʷʰer > *wer- “to burn” warnuzi варити variti
*gʷʰ charm = PIE for warm
Getic: garma 𓐍 𓅓 𓊮 warm
charm = Semitic for warm

𓋴 𓐍 𓅓 𓅓 | © make warm | ← charm hhmm@ARAB
𓋴 𓄿 𓅓 𓊮 | © burn up | cham@Sem ⇔ charm **
𓋴 𓂋 𓆑 𓊮 | charm | warm, warmth, temperature, inflammation, fever, mood |
𓈙 𓅓 𓅓 𓊮 | be warm, hot, have fever, become feverish | schamm ⋍ chwarm
𓈙 𓅓 𓅓 𓏏 𓊮 | fever, inflammation | sHHMM : hot@AR +++ ⇔ charm

𓎡 𓎛 𓄿 𓏐 | a meal | אֹכֶל ᶜókhel √cook carne comida ჭამა č̣ama 餐 cān
𓈎 𓂋 𓂋 𓊮 | cook | cogh⋍corr კოცონი kˀɔčʰɔni kochen camp(fire)
𒃲𒃲𒇻 qal-qal-lu •kokeln köchern cook “burn, to roast” ⇔ char

*Gefeuer > gʷʰer > *wer- “to burn” warnuzi варити variti
*gʷʰ charm = PIE for warm
charm = Semitic for warm

charm 𓐍𓅓𓊮 घर्म gharma warm
charm 𓋴𓂋𓆑𓊮 warm ⇔ worm < Gewürm ⇔ therma

𓆷 𓄿 𓅓 𓊮 | be hot, burn | chemo charm חַם kham गर्म garm < thermo θερμός
𓉔 𓅓 𓊮 | be burning | Kamin chimney chemo™ charm crema…
𓉔 𓅱 𓏏 𓊮 | be burnt | cremated chemith ⇔ smith +++
𓉔 𓅱 𓏏 𓊮 | be burnt | burnt with 𓉔 as beith vs port 𓅱 as wren
𓉔 𓅱 𓏏 𓊮 | be burnt | حَرْق ḥarq 𓉔 𓄿 +++ ⇔ 𓌳 𓄿 𓐍 𓊮 / 𓍑 𓄿 𓆑 𓊮 ?

𓍯 𓄿 𓅓 𓊮 | bake ? | √charm@AR

𓎃 charm

𓇋 𓌳 𓆭 𓅓 | be delighted (with), charmed (with) |
𓇋 𓌳 𓅓 𓏏 𓆭 𓏛 | charm, kindliness, graciousness, favour |
𓇋 𓄿 𓆭 𓅓 𓏏 | charm, kindliness, graciousness |
𓇋 𓄿 𓆭 𓅓 | be delighted (with), charmed (with) |
𓇋 𓄿 𓅓 𓆭 | pleasing (to) |
𓇋 𓄿 𓌳 | pleasing (to) |
𓆭 𓅓 𓏏 𓏛 𓏥 | charm, kindliness, graciousness |
𓆭 𓏏 𓏛 | charm, kindliness, graciousness |
𓌴 𓏏 | charm | ?

𓄤 𓆑 𓂋 fair, kind
𓆑 𓊮 fire
𓅓 𓊮 pyro

⇔ Charmed ⋍ charred : coaled (black)
𓆎 𓏏 𓀀 𓁐 𓏥 | (collective n.) Egyptians |
𓆎𓅓𓏏𓊖 Chemic Cometeor ⲙⲧⲁⲩ
ⲙⲧⲁⲩ (coptic ⋍ medjay) magic medicine
ⲙⲁⲍⲟⲥ ↔ ⲙⲁⲍⲓⲁ magician
ⲉⲣⲙⲁⲍⲓⲛ ↔ ⲙⲁⲍⲓⲁ to charm (•charmazin)

heka Hexer 𓎛 𓂓 𓄿 𓀁 𓏪 (magician) < trick 𓎛 𓂓
𓋾 Herrscher Häscher (ruler pursuer)
𓋾 Maga / Hexa ⇔ mega, maha, exa


𒌆 TÚG² => Tuch տաք tɑkʰ warm wool

𒈦𒈦 mašmaššu (magician) ⇔ math magic charm
𒈦𒈦 āšipu MAŠ.MAŠ Hebrew אַשָּׁף ʾaššāp̄ ܐܫܦܐ
𒈦 Asu : Arzt

𒅗𒊏𒊒 ka-ra-ru midday heat

𒅎𒈬 ʱim-mu® •hemera ἡμέρᾱ ἦμαρ êmar “day” ⇔ mere part, the morrow |
𒅎𒈬 daytime, heat (of day) ⇔ charm

𓈎 𓂋 𓂋 𓊮 | fire | qur@Thai qvire doubling

𓈎 𓂋 𓂋 𓊮 | fire (pottery), broil (food) | grill / garen / kocher ⇔ kuchen ⇔ cook ⇔ ceramik !! +++
𓈎 𓂋 𓂋 𓍔 | fire (pottery), broil (food) | qur@Thai qvire > fire

*Gefeuer > gʷʰer > *wer- “to burn” warnuzi варити variti
*gʷʰ charm = PIE for warm
charm = Semitic for warm

charm 𓐍𓅓𓊮 घर्म gharma warm
charm 𓋴𓂋𓆑𓊮 warm ⇔ worm < Gewürm ⇔ therma

𓎡 𓎛 𓄿 𓏐 | a meal | אֹכֶל ᶜókhel √cook carne comida ჭამა č̣ama 餐 cān

𓆓 𓂝 char/coal

𓆓 𓂝 𓃀 𓏏 𓈒 𓏥 | charcoal, soot | ϫⲉⲃⲥ coal
𓆓 𓂝 𓌠 𓃀 | coal-black |
𓆓 𓂝 𓏏 𓐎 𓏥 | vein (of ore) | žílat , žilka / slot > soot

ⲥⲁϩϯ kindle fire, heat ~ ⲥⲁϩϯ ↔ charmt

charcoal was a main trade item in wood deplored centers, as it carries a much higer energy per weight ratio and can thus be brought much more easily from the periferal.

𒄫𒈤𒄷 kir-maḫ-ḫu
𒄫𒈤𒄷 kiln, large oven

𒋼𒌅 ḫim-ṭe-tu √charm
𒋼𒌅 burning, heartburn?

Grimm : red anger

𒄊 GIR₃ @ Grimm anger 𒍽 𒄊 ʳhuš ʳhuš₂ •rouge ≈ rage "furious, angry; (to be) reddish, ruddy" 𒍽 ʳḪUŠ 𓃗 Ross 𒍽𒀀 ʳḪUŠ.A 𒀤 #ruššû rosa red !

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