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resolution: interactive

Ambiguity should ideally be resolved by the compiler by asking questions.

a {x=1} Did you mean a:{x=1} or [a,{x=1}] ?

a>b:c Did you mean a>b : c or a > b:c ?

significant whitespace / semantic resolution

single element lists

in general in wasp lists plus element means extending the list: (x,y)+z=(x,y,z) in general in wasp lists of one element are identical to the element:
however this might lead to conflicts, eg in list extensions:
(x)+y=(x y) ≠ x+y
resolvable by the parser?

grouping vs application

Consider a b (a) (b) {a} (b) and {a}(b).
Are they the same? A group with one element is identical to the element itself:
Axiom (a) == a Is a block with one element identical to the element itself?
{a} == a ? Is {a} (b) a list with elements {a} and b or is it b applied to {a} {a}(b) ?


while the precedence of ',' and '; is clear: 1,2;3,4 == ((1,2);(3,4)) the precedence of ',' and ' ' less is clear: 1 2 3 , 4 5 6and1,2,3 4,5,6` both seam like reasonably natural groupings.

For colons the situation is dire as well: a b c:d versus to skin a cat: do something significant-white space to the rescue!

burden of calls withoug parens

square 3 yields a certain beauty However when mixing function calls and operators, things can get ambiguous quickly: square 3 * 3 can be read as square (3 * 3) or (square 3) * 3
square 3 + square 3 can be read as square (3 + square 3) or (square 3) + square 3

Operators bind more tightly than functions. Only the last case where functions are inter-mixed needs special attention:

resolution: braces via IDE

One way to resolve ambiguities is by making the IDE suggest and insert braces

square 3 + 4 times 3
square(3 + (4 times 3))

Even though there might not be an ambiguity to the compiler, it can be helpful to insert braces to make it easier for the user to parse the meaning: a or b and c => a or (b and c)

The reasoning behind this is that the developer might not always we be aware of the function operator precedence.

ambiguity in c

while (char c = dest[i] and i>0) sets c to 0 or 1 because and binds stronger than assignment!!

ambiguous referenceIndices

ambiguous it keyword

In lambda expression, the it keyword refers to the first (implicit argument), otherwise it refers to self or the last result, which can be very ambivalent:

double=it*2 # ok, [interpret](evaluation) immediately?
double:it*2 # may interpret to anything later
double:=it*2 # ok, implicit argument for function 'double'

functions or functors

map [1 2 3] square could be read as map [1 2 3] :square symbolic function pointer map ([1 2 3] square) == map [1 4 9]

variables vs functions

ambiguous assignment concepts:

name, age, source = "Crystal, 123, GitHub".split(", ") # deconstruction assignment
name age, source := "Crystal, 123, GitHub".split(", ") # function 'name' with arguments age, source

The last case is especially problematic with

Multi word variable names and typed variables

name age := age+1 The function 'name' with parameter age could also be read as name_age or age(type=name)

block evaluation

Ideally we could reconcile f={a:1 b:2} f[a] == 1 with the current mechanism f(a=3) == {a:3 b:2} or f(a=3) == b:2 or f(a=3)==2 because the last expression of the block is returned. Map matching versus block selection versus construction.

is not

a is not b // ambiguity: a == !b vs a != b



data & code blocks








todo : bad ideas and open questions

⚠️ specification and progress are out of sync

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