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CMPS130 Spring 2020

Principles of Computer System Design

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When: Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 1:20 PM.
Where: Zoom Room: CHECK PIAZZA (for now -- remember to check back)
Who: Peter Alvaro
Office (half-)hours: Mondays @ 10AM
Tuesdays @ 1PM
Thursdays @ 11:30AM
Fridays @ 10AM
Office hours location: Discord OH chat room, to start
Prerequisites: CMPE 12 and either CMPE 13 or CMPS 12B; knowledge of C programming language.
Required Text: Principles of Computer System Design, Saltzer & Kaashoek (ISBN 0123749573)
TA: Allen Aboytes, Daniel Alves, Kenneth Chang, Clark Hilbert

Course Overview

Students who successfully complete this course will gain an understanding of basic principles of computer systems design: modularity / abstraction, synchronization / concurrency, naming, and performance evaluation. They will understand multiple approaches to each design principle along with the background necessary to choose the right approach for a given situation. They will also understand how to apply these approaches to sample problems, which they will then be able to generalize to computer systems they encounter later. Students will also gain experience implementing computer systems code. This experience will be invaluable in later courses such as embedded operating systems (operating systems kernel internals), database design, computer security, and distributed systems.

Course Outline

  • Introduction: dealing with complexity in computer systems
  • Organization of complex computer systems: fundamental abstractions
  • Modularity: clients & services
  • Modularity: virtualization (memory, CPU, computer)
  • Synchronization & concurrency: definitions & primitives
  • Synchronization & concurrency: usage examples
  • Approaches to naming in computer systems
  • Measuring and evaluating computer system performance
  • Security in computer systems: issues & mitigation

Where possible and appropriate, we will use examples from a wide range of modern complex computer systems to illustrate concepts covered in class.


The formal prerequisites for this class are CMPE 12 and either CMPE 13 or CMPS 12B, as well as familiarity with programming in C, which is taught in both CMPE 13 and CMPS 12B. Students are also expected to be familiar with tools such as make and git, but we will hold tutorials for those who would like a refresher. While we expect you to know the material covered in the prerequisite classes, we realize that you may not remember all of it. This is OK, but you are responsible for reviewing the material—we won’t have time to cover prerequisite material in lecture or section after the first week.


We will use the textbook Principles of Computer System Design. We expect you to read the assigned sections in the book before the lecture in which we cover the material, so you’re prepared to ask questions and discuss the material.

Other than the textbook, all material for the class will be distributed and managed online using Canvas or Piazza. Canvas is used for assignments and grading, while Piazza is used for discussion and announcements.

Academic honesty

Collaboration is a key part of research. I encourage you to discuss the readings and the final project ideas with your classmates. However, you must reveal the students with whom you discussed the assignments. Failure to do so will result in formal disciplinary proceedings.

I should not need to say so, but I do: plagiarism in any form is not acceptable and will not be tolerated. As researchers, we always stand upon the shoulders of giants, and building upon existing work is the norm. It is essential, however, that we provide proper attribution. When in doubt, cite!

Assignments and Exams


Needless to say, exams are going to look different as a consequence of remote instruction! But they are an essential part of how we measure whether you are learning the material and it is on me to figure out the best workaround. As of now, my expectation is that we will hold timed (but obviously online) exams at scheduled times, as dicussed below. I am not certain yet whether we will host them on Canvas or via some other service.

It will be challenging to balance respecting your privacy and guarding against academic dishonesty. Nevertheless, I pledge to respect your privacy and I ask that in return you promise to comply with the rules. I will ask each of you to sign a statement at the end of each exam stating that you did not collaborate with others or use prohibited resources while taking the exam.

There will be an in-class midterm (currently scheduled for April 29), and a final exam during the scheduled slot during exam week. You must take each exam at the scheduled time unless you are ill or have an unexpected family emergency (and have a note from a doctor, etc.)

Programming assignments

Programming assignments are an important component of this course, since they will give you an opportunity to “learn by doing”. Your assignments must be done on the Ubuntu LINUX 18.04 operating system — that’s where we’re going to grade them. Since few students run Linux natively, we expect that you’ll install a virtual machine on your personal computer to run Ubuntu LINUX 18.04. We’ll cover this in section the first week of class.

Programming assignments will all be done individually, and are expected to adhere to the coding standards document available on Canvas.

Rather than approve extensions on a case-by-case basis, we’re giving each student 3 "grace days" that may be used, no explanation necessary, to extend the due date of an assignment by 24 hours (this includes weekends and holidays). You may use any number of remaining grace days on an assignment—you don’t have to use them all at once. Once you’re out of grace days, late projects will lose 25 points (out of 100) per day, with a minimum score of 5 points. Assignments must be submitted within 72 hours of the original due date, regardless of grace days used. All assignments must be submitted prior to the last day of teaching (June 5 2020); assignments submitted after this time will not be counted towards your course grade.

You must turn in each assignment to pass the class. Assignment submission is done via a git repository on GitLab@UCSC and commit ID that passes the minimum standards (indicated by a green checkmark on the GitLab@UCSC GUI). In particular, your code files must successfully compile, even if your program does nothing more than print “Hello World!”, and you must have a reasonable attempt at a design document. (Note that printing “Hello World!” won’t get you many points towards correct functionality....)

IMPORTANT: If a commit ID you submit for grading doesn’t meet the minimum requirements, as indicated by a green checkmark on the GitLab@UCSC GUI, you will get a maximum score of 5 points on the assignment. VERIFY THE CHECKMARK BEFORE SUBMITTING YOUR COMMIT ID FOR GRADING!!!!

To encourage you to start early and turn your material in early, assignments will get a 1 point bonus per (full) 8 hours they’re submitted early, up to a maximum bonus of 9 points. So, if you turn in your assignment 20 hours before it’s due, you get 2 points added to your grade. The bonus can’t raise your base grade (before extra credit) above 95, and is unavailable if you’re using grace days for the assignment.

Written Homework

There will be a few (required) written homeworks during the quarter. They will be graded, and will count towards your final course grade.


Grades in the class will be assigned as follows:

  • Assignments (programming & written): 50% (not weighted equally by assignment)
  • Midterm: 16%
  • Final: 34%


We won’t usually take attendance in class, except for the first week. However, attendance is mandatory, and you’ll find it difficult to take good notes if you’re not in class. Lab section attendance is not required, though you’ll miss important material on the programming projects if you don’t attend one section per week, since that’s where we’ll discuss projects in detail. You need not attend the section for which you registered.

Getting Help

The material in this class can be complex and difficult, so there are several ways to get help with concepts covered in class, homework, and programming projects, listed in approximately the order you should try them for help.

  • Attend classes and lab sections.
  • Read (really read!) the assignments and other course materials.
  • Read and post to the class discussion forum on Piazza
  • Meet with the course staff during office hours.
  • Send a private piazza post to the course staff.

You’re encouraged to post general questions to the Piazza forum, and to answer questions others have posted there. Asking things like "how does this concept work?" or "can someone help install Ubuntu LINUX 18.04 on VirtualBox?" are fine. Questions such as "can someone post sample code for Assignment 2" or "why doesn’t the attached code work?" are not acceptable, and should be asked during office hours (preferable), or via private Piazza messages. Course staff will also read the forum and reply to posted questions.

Office hours are your chance to ask the course staff in-depth questions about the material being covered, programming assignments (including debugging help), or anything else about computer system design or other general computer science issues you want to discuss. Many students find that discussions in office hours are highly informative and interesting, and it usually helps faculty members write you better recommendations for jobs and graduate school. If you can’t attend office hours, arrange a meeting in advance by using a private Piazza message

Private Piazza questions will typically get a response by the end of the next business day. Public ones will probably get answered sooner, since they have hundreds of eyes on them! Please do not email the course staff directly unless asked -- this way we can keep all communication related to the class in one place and avoid overlooking your messages.

Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is a requirement for this course (and, indeed, for your entire academic career). All material submitted for a grade must be your own independent work; this includes quizzes, notes, homework, and exams. If you get help on an assignment from anyone other than course staff (professors, TAs, course tutors), you must acknowledge their contribution on your submitted work. This includes help from tutors from MSI and similar programs as well as private tutors—they are not considered part of the course staff. Obviously, any form of collaboration during a quiz or exam is strictly forbidden, but studying in groups for exams is encouraged.

You’re encouraged to discuss class material and concepts with others, and you may discuss general approaches to programming assignments. These discussions may not include specific details, but instead should focus on how to approach the project. You may not look at or discuss someone else’s design document or code, and you may not show your de- sign document or code to anyone else (other than the course staff). All collaboration must be whiteboard or discussion only. You may take handwritten notes from these discussions, but you may not mechanically record your discussion - no typing on a keyboard, photos, video, or audio recording during the discussion. (Students with DRC accommodations should discuss note-taking with me at the start of the quarter.)

By taking this class, you agree to abide by the Personal Responsibility Document that’s available on the course Canvas page. You must submit a signed copy of this document on Canvas, by October 4 (Friday) at 5 PM. You must turn in the signed Personal Responsibility Document before submitting any assignment to be graded.

We take academic integrity very seriously, and report all violations of academic integrity to the School of Engineering and to your college Provost. If you violate academic integrity, you will fail the class. Depending on the severity of the violation, the university may impose additional penalties, including suspension and even expulsion in rare cases.


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