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pablosanjose committed Jul 13, 2023
2 parents 3e136e5 + f02c0dc commit e412107
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Showing 2 changed files with 151 additions and 133 deletions.
283 changes: 150 additions & 133 deletions src/solvers/green/bands.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,89 +1,92 @@
# Taylor
# Series
# A generalization of dual numbers to arbitrary powers of differential ε, also negative
# When inverting (dividing), negative powers may be produced if leading terms are zero
# Higher terms can be lost throughout operations.
# Taylor{N}(f(x), f'(x)/1!, f''(x)/2!,..., f⁽ᴺ⁾(x)/N!) = Series[f(x + ε), {ε, 0, N-1}]
# If we need derivatives respect to x/α instead of x, we do rescale(::Taylor, α)
# Series{N}(f(x), f'(x)/1!, f''(x)/2!,..., f⁽ᴺ⁾(x)/N!) = Series[f(x + ε), {ε, 0, N-1}]
# If we need derivatives respect to x/α instead of x, we do rescale(::Series, α)

struct Taylor{N,T}
struct Series{N,T}
x::SVector{N,T} # term coefficients
pow::Int # power of first term

Taylor(x::Tuple, pow = 0) = Taylor(SVector(x), pow)
Taylor(x...) = Taylor(SVector(x), 0)
Series(x::Tuple, pow = 0) = Series(SVector(x), pow)
Series(x...) = Series(SVector(x), 0)

Taylor{N}(x...) where {N} = Taylor{N}(SVector(x))
Taylor{N}(t::Tuple) where {N} = Taylor{N}(SVector(t))
Taylor{N}(d::Taylor) where {N} = Taylor{N}(d.x)
Taylor{N}(x::SVector{<:Any,T}, pow = 0) where {N,T} =
Taylor(SVector(padtuple(x, zero(T), Val(N))), pow)
Series{N}(x...) where {N} = Series{N}(SVector(x))
Series{N}(t::Tuple) where {N} = Series{N}(SVector(t))
Series{N}(d::Series) where {N} = Series{N}(d.x)
Series{N}(x::SVector{<:Any,T}, pow = 0) where {N,T} =
Series(SVector(padtuple(x, zero(T), Val(N))), pow)

function rescale(d::Taylor{N}, α::T) where {N,T<:Number}
function rescale(d::Series{N}, α::Number) where {N}
αp = cumprod((α ^ d.pow, ntuple(Returns(α), Val(N-1))...))
= Taylor(d.x .* αp, d.pow)
= Series(Tuple(d.x) .* αp, d.pow)

chop(d::Taylor) = Taylor(chop.(d.x), d.pow)
chop(d::Series) = Series(chop.(d.x), d.pow)

function trim(d::Taylor{N}) where {N}
function trim(d::Series{N}) where {N}
nz = leading_zeros(d)
iszero(nz) && return d
pow = d.pow + nz
t = ntuple(i -> d[i + pow - 1], Val(N))
return Taylor(t, pow)
return Series(t, pow)

function leading_zeros(d::Taylor{N}) where {N}
for i in 0:N-1
function leading_zeros(d::Series{N}) where {N}
@inbounds for i in 0:N-1
iszero(d[d.pow + i]) || return i
return 0

Base.first(d::Taylor) = first(d.x)
Base.first(d::Series) = first(d.x)

Base.getindex(d::Taylor{N,T}, i::Integer) where {N,T} =
d.pow <= i < d.pow + N ? d.x[i-d.pow+1] : zero(T)
Base.getindex(d::Series{N,T}, i::Integer) where {N,T} =
d.pow <= i < d.pow + N ? (@inbounds d.x[i-d.pow+1]) : zero(T)

Base.eltype(::Taylor{<:Any,T}) where {T} = T
Base.eltype(::Series{<:Any,T}) where {T} = T{<:Taylor{N,T}}) where {N,T<:Number} = Taylor{N}(one(T)){<:Taylor{N,T}}) where {N,T} = Taylor(zero(SVector{N,T}), 0)
Base.iszero(d::Taylor) = iszero(d.x){<:Series{N,T}}) where {N,T<:Number} = Series{N}(one(T)){<:Series{N,T}}) where {N,T} = Series(zero(SVector{N,T}), 0)
Base.iszero(d::Series) = iszero(d.x)
Base.transpose(d::Series) = d

function Base.:+(d::Taylor{N}, d´::Taylor{N}) where {N}
function Base.:+(d::Series{N}, d´::Series{N}) where {N}
f, f´ = trim(d), trim(d´)
pow = min(f.pow, f´.pow)
t = ntuple(i -> f[pow + i - 1] + f´[pow + i - 1], Val(N))
Taylor(t, pow)
Series(t, pow)

Base.:-(d::Taylor, d´::Taylor) = d + (-d´)
Base.:-(d::Taylor) = Taylor(.-(d.x), d.pow)
Base.:*(d::Number, d´::Taylor) = Taylor(d *.x, d´.pow)
Base.:*(d´::Taylor, d::Number) = Taylor(d *.x, d´.pow)
Base.:/(d::Taylor{N}, d´::Taylor{N}) where {N} = d * inv(d´)
Base.:/(d::Taylor, d´::Number) = Taylor(d.x / d´, d.pow)
Base.:+(d::Series) = d
Base.:-(d::Series, d´::Series) = d + (-d´)
Base.:-(d::Series) = Series(.-(d.x), d.pow)
Base.:*(d::Number, d´::Series) = Series(d *.x, d´.pow)
Base.:*(d´::Series, d::Number) = Series(d *.x, d´.pow)
Base.:/(d::Series{N}, d´::Series{N}) where {N} = d * inv(d´)
Base.:/(d::Series, d´::Number) = Series(d.x / d´, d.pow)

function Base.:*(d::Taylor{N}, d´::Taylor{N}) where {N}
function Base.:*(d::Series{N}, d´::Series{N}) where {N}
iszero(d´) && return
f, f´ = trim(d), trim(d´)
pow = f.pow +.pow
s = product_matrix(f.x) *.x
return Taylor(s, pow)
return Series(s, pow)

function Base.inv(d::Taylor{N}) where {N}
function Base.inv(d::Series{N}) where {N}
= trim(d) # remove leading zeros
iszero(d´) && argerror("Divide by zero")
pow =.pow
# impose d * inv(d) = 1. This is equivalent to Ud * inv(d).x = 1.x, where
# Ud = hcat(d.x, shift(d.x, 1), ...)
s = inv(product_matrix(d´.x))[:, 1] # faster than \
invd = Taylor(Tuple(s), -pow)
invd = Series(Tuple(s), -pow)
return invd

Expand All @@ -108,130 +111,144 @@ shiftpad(s::SVector{N,T}, i) where {N,T} =

struct Simplex{D,T,S1,S2,S3,SU<:SMatrix{D,D,T}}
ei::S1 # eᵢ::SVector{D´,T} = energy of vertex i
ki::S2 # kᵢ[j]::SMatrix{D´,D,T,DD´} = coordinate j of momentum for vertex i
eij::S3 # eᵢʲ::SMatrix{D´,D´,T,D´D´} = e_j - e_i
Uij::SU # Uᵢⱼ::SMatrix{D,D,T,DD} = k_ij − k_0j
Uij⁻¹::SU # inv(Uᵢⱼ)
VD::T # D!V = |det(U)|
kij::S2 # kᵢ[j]::SMatrix{D´,D,T,DD´} = coordinate j of momentum for vertex i
eij::S3 # ϵᵢʲ::SMatrix{D´,D´,T,D´D´} = e_j - e_i
U⁻¹::SU # inv(Uᵢⱼ) for Uᵢⱼ::SMatrix{D,D,T,DD} = kⱼ[i] - k₀[i] (edges as cols)
U⁻¹Q⁻¹::SU # Q cols are basis of shift vectors δrᵝ
w::SVector{D,T} # U⁻¹ * k₀
VD::T # D!V = |det(U)|

function Simplex(ei::SVector{D´}, kij::SMatrix{D´,D,T}) where {D´,D,T}
eij = chop(ei' .- ei)
k0 = kij[1, :]
U = kij[SVector{D}(2:D´),:]' .- k0 # edges as columns
U⁻¹ = inv(U)
VD = abs(det(U))
w = U⁻¹ * k0
Δe = eij[1, SVector{D}(2:D´)] # eⱼ - e₀
v = chop(transpose(U⁻¹) * Δe)
if iszero(v)
Q = one(SMatrix{D,D,T}) # special case
vext = hcat(v, zero(SMatrix{D,D-1,T})) # pad with zero to get full Q from QR
Q´, R´ = qr(vext) # full orthonormal basis with v as first vec
Q = rotate45(Q´ * sign(R´[1,1])) # rotate 1 & 2 by 45º -> none parallel to v
U⁻¹Q⁻¹ = U⁻¹ * Q'
return Simplex(ei, kij, eij, U⁻¹, U⁻¹Q⁻¹, w, VD)

function Simplex(ei::SVector{D´}, ki::SMatrix{D´,D}) where {D´,D}
eij = chop.(ei' .- ei)
Uij = ki[SVector{D}(2:D´),:] .- ki[1,:]'
Uij⁻¹ = inv(Uij)
VD = abs(det(Uij))
return Simplex(ei, ki, eij, Uij, Uij⁻¹, VD)
rotate45(s::SMatrix{D,D}) where {D} =
hcat((s[:,1] + s[:,2])/√2, (s[:,1] - s[:,2])/√2, s[:,SVector{D-2}(3:D)])

# β is the direction of the dr_β differential
function g0_simplex(ω, dn::SVector{D}, s::Simplex{D,T}, ::Val{N} = Val(D+1), β = flipped_range(1, Val(D))) where {D,T,N}
ϕverts = * dn
ϕedges = chop.(ϕverts' .- ϕverts)
function g_simplex(::Val{N}, ω::Number, dn::SVector{D}, s::Simplex{D}, ϕ´ = ntuple(identity, Val(D))) where {D,N}
# phases ϕverts[j+1] will be perturbed by ϕ´verts[j+1]*dϕ, for j in 0:D
# Similartly, ϕedges[j+1,k+1] will be perturbed by ϕ´edges[j+1,k+1]*dϕ
ϕ´verts = SVector(0, ϕ´...)
ϕ´edges = ϕ´verts' .- ϕ´verts
ϕverts0 = s.kij * dn
ϕverts = Series{N}.(ϕverts0, ϕ´verts)
ϕedges = Series{N}.(chop.(ϕverts0' .- ϕverts0), ϕ´edges)
Δverts = ω .- s.ei
eedges = s.eij
# phases ϕverts[j+1] will be perturbed by βverts[j+1]*dϕ, for j in 0:D
βverts = SVector(0, β...)
# Similartly, ϕedges[j+1,k+1] will be perturbed by βedges[j+1,k+1]*dϕ
βedges = βverts' .- βverts
g0sum = zero(Taylor{N,complex(T)})
for j in 0:D
ϕj = Taylor{N}(ϕverts[j+1], βverts[j+1])
ϕij = Taylor{N}.(ϕedges[:, j+1], βedges[:, j+1])
eij = eedges[:, j+1]
Δj = Δverts[j+1]
g0sum += g0_term(j, ϕj, ϕij, eij, Δj)
zedges = zkj_series.(ϕedges, eedges)
= cis_series.(ϕverts)
γα = γα_series(ϕedges, zedges, eedges) # SMatrix{D´,D´}
if iszero(eedges) # special case, full energy degeneracy
eγαJ = sum(γα .* transpose(eϕ) ./ first(Δverts))
J = J_series.(zedges, eedges, transpose(Δverts)) # SMatrix{D´,D´}
eγαJ = sum(γα .* J .* transpose(eϕ)) # manual contraction is slower!
g0sum *= (-im)^(D+1) * s.VD
return trim(chop(g0sum))
gsum = (-im)^(D+1) * s.VD * trim(chop(eγαJ))
return gsum[0], gsum[1]

flipped_range(i, ::Val{D}) where {D} = ntuple(j -> ifelse(i==j, -j, j), Val(D))
zkj_series(ϕ, e) = iszero(e) ? ϕ : ϕ/e

function g0_term(j, ϕ::Taylor{N,T}, ϕs, es::SVector{D´}, Δ) where {N,T,D´}
D =- 1
γⱼ = gamma_taylor(j, ϕs, es)
if iszero(es) # all εⱼ - εᵢ == 0, no z-integral
Jⱼ = one(Taylor{N,complex(T)}) / Δ
Jⱼ = zero(Taylor{N,complex(T)})
for k in 0:D
iszero(es[k+1]) && continue
zkj = ϕs[k+1] / es[k+1]
αₖⱼ = alpha_taylor(k, j, zkj, ϕs, es)
Jₖⱼ = J_taylor(zkj, Δ)
Jⱼ += αₖⱼ * Jₖⱼ
function cis_series(z::Series{N}) where {N}
@assert iszero(z.pow)
c = cis_series(z[0], Val(N))
# Go from dz differential to dϕ
return rescale(c, z[1])

# Series of cis(ϕ)
function cis_series::Real, ::Val{N}) where {N}
E₀, Eᵢ = complex(1.0), ntuple(n -> im^n/(factorial(n)), Val(N-1))
E = cis(ϕ) * Series{N}(E₀, Eᵢ...)
return E

@inline function γα_series(ϕedges::S, zedges::S, eedges::SMatrix{D´,D´}) where {N,T,D´,S<:SMatrix{D´,D´,Series{N,T}}}
# js = ks = SVector{D´}(1:D´)
# α⁻¹ = α⁻¹_series.(js', ks, Ref(zedges), Ref(eedges))
# γ⁻¹ = γ⁻¹_series.(js', Ref(ϕedges), Ref(eedges))
# γα = inv.(α⁻¹ .* γ⁻¹)
# return γα
## BUG: broadcast over SArrays is currently allocations-buggy
js = ks = SVector{D´}(1:D´)
jks = Tuple(tuple.(js', ks))
α⁻¹ = α⁻¹_series.(jks, Ref(zedges), Ref(eedges))
γ⁻¹ = γ⁻¹_series.(Tuple(js), Ref(ϕedges), Ref(eedges))
γα = inv.(SMatrix{D´,D´}(α⁻¹) .* transpose(SVector(γ⁻¹)))
return γα

function α⁻¹_series((j, k), zedges::SMatrix{D´,D´,T}, eedges) where {D´,T<:Series}
x = one(T)
@inbounds j != k && !iszero(eedges[k, j]) || return x
@inbounds for l in 1:
if l != j && !iszero(eedges[l, j])
x *= eedges[l, j]
if l != k # ekj != 0, already constrained above
x *= zedges[l, j] - zedges[k, j]
Jⱼ *= cis_taylor(ϕ)
return γⱼ * Jⱼ
return x

function gamma_taylor(j, ϕs::SVector{D´,T}, es) where {D´,T<:Taylor}
D =- 1
γⱼ⁻¹ = one(T)
for l in 0:D
l != j && iszero(es[l+1]) && (γⱼ⁻¹ *= ϕs[l+1])
γⱼ = inv(γⱼ⁻¹)
return γⱼ

function alpha_taylor(k, j, zkj::T, ϕs::SVector{D´}, es) where {D´,T<:Taylor}
D =- 1
α⁻¹ = one(T)
for l in 0:D
if l != j && !iszero(es[l+1])
α⁻¹ *= es[l+1]
if l != k # ekj != 0 because it is constrained by caller
zlj = ϕs[l+1]/es[l+1]
α⁻¹ *= -(zkj - zlj)
function γ⁻¹_series(j, ϕedges::SMatrix{D´,D´,T}, eedges) where {D´,T<:Series}
x = one(T)
@inbounds for l in 1:
if l != j && iszero(eedges[l, j])
x *= ϕedges[l, j]
α = inv(α⁻¹)
return α
return x

function J_taylor(z::Taylor{N}, Δ) where {N}
@assert iszero(z.pow)
J = J_taylor(z[0], Δ, Val(N))
@inline function J_series(z::Series{N,T}, e, Δ) where {N,T}
iszero(e) && return zero(Series{N,Complex{T}})
J = J_series(z[0], Δ, Val(N))
# Go from d(zΔ) = dz*Δ differential to dϕ
return rescale(J, z[1] * Δ)

# Taylor of log-regularized J(zΔ) = cis(zΔ) * [Ci(|z|Δ) - i Si(zΔ)] (variable zΔ for Taylor)
function J_taylor(z::Real, Δ::Real, ::Val{N}) where {N}
# Series of J(zΔ) = cis(zΔ) * [Ci(|z|Δ) - i Si(zΔ)] (variable zΔ for Series)
function J_series(z::T, Δ::T, ::Val{N}) where {N,T<:Number}
C = complex(T)
iszero(Δ) && return Series{N}(C(Inf))
= z * Δ
imπ = im * ifelse> 0, 0, π) # strangely enough, union splitting is faster than stable
if iszero(zΔ)
J₀ = log(abs(Δ)) + im * ifelse> 0, 0, π) #+ MathConstants.γ # constant, not needed
J₀ = log(abs(Δ)) + imπ #+ MathConstants.γ + log(|z|) # not needed, cancels out
Jᵢ = ntuple(n -> (-im)^n/(n*factorial(n)), Val(N-1))
J = Taylor{N}(J₀, Jᵢ...)
E = cis_taylor(zΔ, Val(N))
d = J * E
J = Series{N}(J₀, Jᵢ...)
E = cis_series(zΔ, Val(N))
EJ = E * J
ciszΔ = cis(zΔ)
J₀, J₁ = cosint(abs(zΔ)) - log(abs(z)) - im*sinint(zΔ) + im * ifelse> 0, 0, π), (conj(ciszΔ)-1)/
J₀, J₁ = cosint(abs(zΔ)) - im*sinint(zΔ) + imπ, conj(ciszΔ)/
E₀, E₁ = ciszΔ, im * ciszΔ
J = Taylor{2}(J₀, J₁)
E = Taylor{2}(E₀, E₁)
d = Taylor{N}(J * E)
J´ = Series{2}(J₀, J₁)
E´ = Series{2}(E₀, E₁)
EJ = Series{N}( * )
return d

function cis_taylor(z::Taylor{N}) where {N}
@assert iszero(z.pow)
c = cis_taylor(z[0], Val(N))
# Go from dz differential to dϕ
return rescale(c, z[1])

# Taylor of cis(ϕ)
function cis_taylor::Real, ::Val{N}) where {N}
E₀, Eᵢ = complex(1.0), ntuple(n -> im^n/(factorial(n)), Val(N-1))
E = cis(ϕ) * Taylor{N}(E₀, Eᵢ...)
return E
return EJ

1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/tools.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ typename(::T) where {T} = nameof(T)

chop(x::T) where {T<:Real} = ifelse(abs2(x) < eps(real(T)), zero(T), x)
chop(x::Complex) = chop(real(x)) + im*chop(imag(x))
chop(xs) = chop.(xs)

# Flattens matrix of Matrix{<:Number} into a matrix of Number's
function mortar(ms::AbstractMatrix{M}) where {C<:Number,M<:AbstractMatrix{C}}
Expand Down

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