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pablosanjose committed Oct 4, 2023
2 parents 34dfec3 + 0d07bb9 commit 80a3ca1
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Showing 2 changed files with 106 additions and 32 deletions.
7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion src/solvers/green.jl
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# end

struct Bands{B<:Union{Missing,Pair},A,K} <: AbstractGreenSolver
bandsargs::A # sorted to make slices easier

Bands(bandargs...; boundary = missing, bandskw...) =
Bands(bandargs, NamedTuple(bandskw), boundary)

Bands(bandargs::Quantica.Mesh; kw...) =
argerror("Positional arguments of GS.Bands should be collections of Bloch phases or parameters")

maybesort!(l) = (issorted(l) || sort!(l); l)

end # module

const GS = GreenSolvers
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131 changes: 100 additions & 31 deletions src/solvers/green/bands.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -165,6 +165,8 @@ function Expansions(::Val{D}, ::Type{T}) where {D,T} # here order = D
return Expansions(cis, J0, Jmat, log)

#region ## Constructors ##

BandSimplex(ei, kij, refex...) = BandSimplex(real(ei), real(kij), refex...)

function BandSimplex(ei::SVector{D´,T}, kij::SMatrix{D´,D,T}, refex = Ref(Expansions(Val(D), T))) where {D´,D,T}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -200,6 +202,10 @@ function is_valid_dual(phi, es)
return true


#region ## API ##

function g_integrals(s::BandSimplex, ω, dn, val...)
g₀, gi = iszero(dn) ?
g_integrals_local(s, ω, val...) :
Expand All @@ -209,6 +215,8 @@ end



# g_integrals_local: zero-dn g₀(ω) and gⱼ(ω) with normal or hyperdual numbers for φ
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# AppliedBandsGreenSolver <: AppliedGreenSolver

struct AppliedBandsGreenSolver{B,SB<:Subband,BS<:BandSimplex} <: AppliedGreenSolver
struct SubbandSimplices{B,BS<:BandSimplex}
simps::Vector{BS} # collection of k_∥-ordered simplices
simpslices::Vector{UnitRange{Int}} # ranges of simplices with "equal" k_∥ to boundary
boundary::B # missing or dir => pos

struct AppliedBandsGreenSolver{B,SB<:Subband,SS<:SubbandSimplices{B}} <: AppliedGreenSolver
sbsimps::Vector{Vector{BS}} # BandSimplex for each simplex in each subband
subbandsimps::Vector{SS} # BandSimplices in each subband
boundary::B # missing or dir => pos

#region ## API ##
Expand All @@ -563,25 +577,73 @@ bands(g::GreenFunction{<:Any,<:Any,<:Any,<:AppliedBandsGreenSolver}) = g.solver.
function apply(s::GS.Bands, h::AbstractHamiltonian{T,<:Any,L}, cs::Contacts) where {T,L}
b = bands(h, s.bandsargs...; s.bandskw..., projectors = true)
sbs = subbands(b)
refex = Ref(Expansions(Val(L), T))
sbsimps = subband_simplices.(sbs, refex)
ex = Expansions(Val(L), T)
subbandsimps = subband_simplices.(sbs, Ref(ex), Ref(s))
boundary = s.boundary
return AppliedBandsGreenSolver(sbs, sbsimps, boundary)
return AppliedBandsGreenSolver(sbs, subbandsimps, boundary)

function subband_simplices(sb::Subband, ex::Expansions)
function subband_simplices(sb::Subband, ex::Expansions, s::GS.Bands)
refex = Ref(ex)
sbs = [BandSimplex(energies(sb, simp), transpose(base_coordinates(sb, simp)), refex)
for simp in simplices(sb)]
return sbs
simps0 = simplices(sb)
simps = [BandSimplex(energies(sb, simp), transpose(base_coordinates(sb, simp)), refex)
for simp in simps0]
simpslices = simplex_slices!(simps, simps, s)
boundary = s.boundary
return SubbandSimplices(simps, simpslices, boundary)

# order simplices by their k∥ and compute ranges in each kranges bin
function simplex_slices!(simps::Vector{<:BandSimplex{D}}, simps0, s) where{D}
boundary = s.boundary
if boundary !== missing
dir = first(boundary)
checkdirection(dir, simps)
if D > 1
p = sortperm(simps, by = simp -> parallel_base_coordinate(simp, dir))
permute!(simps, p)
permute!(simps0, p)
kticks = ntuple(i -> ifelse(i < dir, s.bandargs[i], s.bandargs[i+1]), Val(D-1))
simpslices = collect(Runs(simps, (s1, s2) -> in_same_interval((s1, s2), kticks, dir)))
simpslices = [UnitRange(eachindex(simps))]
return simpslices
return UnitRange{Int}[]

checkdirection(dir, ::Vector{<:BandSimplex{D}}) where {D} =
1 <= dir <= D || argerror("Boundary direction $dir should be 1 <= dir <= $D")

function parallel_base_coordinate(s::BandSimplex{D}, dir) where {D}
kmean = mean(s.kij, dims = 1)
notdir = SVector(ntuple(i -> ifelse(i < dir, i, i+1), Val(D-1)))
kpar = kmean[notdir]
return kpar

# assumes kticks are sorted, see GS.Bands constructor
function in_same_interval((s1, s2), kticks, dir)
kvec1 = parallel_base_coordinate(s1, dir)
kvec2 = parallel_base_coordinate(s2, dir)
for (k1, k2, ks) in zip(kvec1, kvec2, kticks)
for i in firstindex(ks):lastindex(ks)-1
in1 = ks[i] < k1 < ks[i+1]
in2 = ks[i] < k2 < ks[i+1]
xor(in1, in2) && return false
in1 && in2 && break
return true


#region ## call ##

function (s::AppliedBandsGreenSolver)(ω, Σblocks, cblockstruct)
g0slicer = BandsGreenSlicer(complex(ω), s, s.boundary)
g0slicer = BandsGreenSlicer(complex(ω), s)
gslicer = TMatrixSlicer(g0slicer, Σblocks, cblockstruct)
return gslicer
Expand All @@ -597,50 +659,57 @@ end
struct BandsGreenSlicer{C,B,S<:AppliedBandsGreenSolver{B}} <: GreenSlicer{C}

#region ## API ##

Base.getindex(s::BandsGreenSlicer{<:Any,Missing}, i::CellOrbitals, j::CellOrbitals) =
inf_band_slice(s, i, j)
Base.getindex(s::BandsGreenSlicer, i::CellOrbitals, j::CellOrbitals) =
s.boundary === missing ? inf_band_slice(s, i, j) : semi_band_slice(s, i, j)
semi_band_slice(s, i, j)

function inf_band_slice(s::BandsGreenSlicer{C}, i::CellOrbitals, j::CellOrbitals) where {C}
solver = s.solver
rowcol = orbindices(i), orbindices(j)
dist = cell(i) - cell(j)
g = zeros(C, length.(rowcol)...)
for (sb, bsimps) in zip(solver.subbands, solver.sbsimps)
ψPdict = projected_states(sb)
for (simpind, simp) in enumerate(simplices(sb))
bsimp = bsimps[simpind]
v₀, vⱼs... = simp
g₀, gⱼs = g_integrals(bsimp, s.ω, dist)
ψ = states(vertices(sb, v₀))
pind = (simpind, v₀)
muladd_ψPψ⁺!(g, bsimp.VD * (g₀ - sum(gⱼs)), ψ, ψPdict, pind, rowcol)
for (j, gⱼ) in enumerate(gⱼs)
vⱼ = vⱼs[j]
ψ = states(vertices(sb, vⱼ))
pind = (simpind, vⱼ)
muladd_ψPψ⁺!(g, bsimp.VD * gⱼ, ψ, ψPdict, pind, rowcol)
for (subband, subbandsimps) in zip(solver.subbands, solver.subbandsimps)
inf_band_slice!(g, s.ω, dist, subband, subbandsimps, rowcol)
return g

function inf_band_slice!(g, ω, dist, subband, subbandsimps, rowcol, simpinds = eachindex(simplices(subband)))
ψPdict = projected_states(subband)
for simpind in simpinds
bandsimplex = subbandsimps.simps[simpind]
v₀, vⱼs... = simplices(subband)[simpind]
g₀, gⱼs = g_integrals(bandsimplex, ω, dist)
ψ = states(vertices(subband, v₀))
pind = (simpind, v₀)
muladd_ψPψ⁺!(g, bandsimplex.VD * (g₀ - sum(gⱼs)), ψ, ψPdict, pind, rowcol)
for (j, gⱼ) in enumerate(gⱼs)
vⱼ = vⱼs[j]
ψ = states(vertices(subband, vⱼ))
pind = (simpind, vⱼ)
muladd_ψPψ⁺!(g, bandsimplex.VD * gⱼ, ψ, ψPdict, pind, rowcol)
return g

# Gᵢⱼ(k∥) = G⁰ᵢⱼ(k∥) - G⁰ᵢᵦ(k∥)G⁰ᵦᵦ(k∥)⁻¹G⁰ᵦⱼ(k∥), where β are removed sites at boundary
function semi_band_slice(s::BandsGreenSlicer{C}, i::CellOrbitals, j::CellOrbitals) where {C}
interalerror("semi_band_slice: work-in-progress")
internalerror("semi_band_slice: Not yet implemented")

# does g += α * ψPψ´ = α * ψP * (ψP)´, where ψP = ψPdict[pind] is the vertex projection onto
# the simplex subspace. If pind = (simpind, vind) is not in ψPdict::Dict, no P is necessary
function muladd_ψPψ⁺!(g, α, ψ, ψPdict, pind, (rows, cols))
if haskey(ψPdict, pind)
ψP = ψPdict[pind]
ψProws = view(ψP, rows, :)
ψPcols = view(ψP, cols, :)
ψProws = ψP[rows, :]
ψPcols = ψP[cols, :]
mul!(g, ψProws, ψPcols', α, 1)
ψrows = view(ψ, rows, :)
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