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pablosanjose committed Oct 23, 2024
1 parent 693cd2d commit 7154de0
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Showing 20 changed files with 544 additions and 404 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/apply.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ function push_pointers!(ptrs, h, har0, s::AppliedSiteSelector, shifts = missing,
lat = lattice(h)
umat = unflat(har0)
rows = rowvals(umat)
norbs = norbitals(h)
norbs = norbitals(h, :)
for scol in sublats(lat), col in siterange(lat, scol)
isinblock(col, block) || continue
for p in nzrange(umat, col)
Expand All @@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ function push_pointers!(ptrs, h, har, s::AppliedHopSelector, shifts = missing, b
lat = lattice(h)
dn0 = zerocell(lat)
dn = dcell(har)
norbs = norbitals(h)
norbs = norbitals(h, :)
umat = unflat(har)
rows = rowvals(umat)
for scol in sublats(lat), col in siterange(lat, scol), p in nzrange(umat, col)
Expand Down
123 changes: 86 additions & 37 deletions src/docstrings.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1632,6 +1632,21 @@ For any `gω::GreenSolution` and `C<:Union{Colon,Integer}`, obtain a view (of ty
For any `g::Union{GreenFunction,GreenSlice}`, produce a new `GreenFunction` or `GreenSlice`
with all parameters fixed to `params` (or to their default values if not provided).
## Full evaluation
gs(ω; params...)
For `gs::GreenSlice` or `gω::GreenSolution`, return a fully evaluated `m::AbstractMatrix`.
If the selected site slice was defined using `sites`, the concrete type of `m` will be will
be a conventional `Matrix`-based type. Otherwise, it will be of type `OrbitalSliceMatrix`,
an `AbstractMatrix` type that supports both conventional indexing and indexing with `sites`
and `siteselectors`.
Advanced: in addition to the above, an unexported method `!(gs, ω; params...)`
is provided to reuse the output matrix `m` (preallocated inside `gs`). Use with caution, as
it may lead to unexpected aliasing
# Example
julia> g = LP.honeycomb() |> hamiltonian(@hopping((; t = 1) -> t)) |> supercell(region = |> greenfunction(GS.SparseLU())
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1660,10 +1675,13 @@ GreenSlice{Float64,2,0}: Green function at arbitrary energy, but at a fixed latt
julia> gω[ss] == gs(0.1; t = 2)
julia> summary(gω[ss])
"14×14 OrbitalSliceMatrix{Matrix{ComplexF64}}"
# See also
`GreenSolvers`, `diagonal`, `ldos`, `conductance`, `current`, `josephson`
`GreenSolvers`, `diagonal`, `sitepairs`, `ldos`, `conductance`, `current`, `josephson`

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1696,47 +1714,90 @@ GreenSolvers
diagonal(i; kernel = missing)
Wrapper over site or orbital indices (used to index into a `g::GreenFunction` or
Wrapper over site or orbital indices `i` (used to index into a `g::GreenFunction` or
`g::GreenSolution`) that represent purely diagonal entries. Here `i` can be any index
accepted in `g[i,i]`, e.g. `i::Integer` (contact index), `i::Colon` (merged contacts),
`i::SiteSelector` (selected sites), etc.
If `kernel = Q` (a matrix) instead of `missing`, each diagonal block for multiorbital site
`i` is replaced with `Tr(gᵢᵢQ)`.
For a `gω::GreenSolution`, `gω[diagonal(sel)] = diag(gω[sel, sel])`, although where possible
the former computation is done more efficiently internally.
diagonal(kernel = missing, sites...)
Equivalent to `diagonal(siteselector(; sites...); kernel)`
## Keywords
- `kernel`: if missing, all orbitals in the diagonal `g[i, i]` are returned when indexing `g[diagonal(i)]`. Otherwise, `tr(g[site, site]*kernel)` for each site included in `i` is returned. See also `ldos`
- `kernel`: if missing, all orbitals in the diagonal `g[i, i]` are returned when indexing `g[diagonal(i)]`. Otherwise, `Tr(g[site, site]*kernel)` for each site included in `i` is returned.
# Example
julia> g = HP.graphene(orbitals = 2) |> attach(nothing, cells = (0,0)) |> greenfunction();
julia> g(1)[diagonal(:)] # g diagonal on all contact orbitals
4-element Vector{ComplexF64}:
-0.10919028168061964 - 0.08398577667508965im
-0.10919028168734393 - 0.08398577667508968im
-0.10919028169083328 - 0.08398577667508969im
-0.109190281684109 - 0.08398577667508969im
julia> g(1)[diagonal(:)] # g(ω = 1) diagonal on all contact orbitals
4×4 OrbitalSliceMatrix{LinearAlgebra.Diagonal{ComplexF64, Vector{ComplexF64}}}:
-0.10919-0.0839858im 0.0+0.0im 0.0+0.0im 0.0+0.0im
0.0+0.0im -0.10919-0.0839858im 0.0+0.0im 0.0+0.0im
0.0+0.0im 0.0+0.0im -0.10919-0.0839858im 0.0+0.0im
0.0+0.0im 0.0+0.0im 0.0+0.0im -0.10919-0.0839858im
julia> g(1)[diagonal(:, kernel = SA[1 0; 0 -1])] # σz spin density of the above
2×2 OrbitalSliceMatrix{LinearAlgebra.Diagonal{ComplexF64, Vector{ComplexF64}}}:
-2.38036e-12+0.0im 0.0+0.0im
0.0+0.0im 2.38036e-12+0.0im
julia> g(1)[diagonal(:, kernel = SA[1 0; 0 -1])] # σz spin spectral density at ω = 1
2-element Vector{ComplexF64}:
6.724287793247186e-12 + 2.7755575615628914e-17im
-6.724273915459378e-12 + 0.0im
# See also
`sitepairs`, `greenfunction`, `ldos`, `densitymatrix`

sitepairs(s::HopSelector; kernel = missing)
Create a selection of site pairs `s::SparseIndices` used to sparsely index into a
`g::GreenFunction` or `g::GreenSolution`, as `g[s]`. Of the resulting matrix only the
selected pairs of matrix elements will be computed, leaving the rest as zero (sparse
If `kernel = Q` (a matrix instead of `missing`), each of these site blocks `gᵢⱼ` will be
replaced by `Tr(kernel * gᵢⱼ)`.
sitepairs(; kernel = missing, hops...)
Equivalent to `sitepairs(hopselector(; hops...); kernel)`
## Keywords
- `kernel`: if missing, all orbitals blocks `gᵢⱼ = g[i, j]` between selected sites pairs (i,j) are returned when indexing `g[sitepairs(...)]`. Otherwise, `gᵢⱼ` is replaced by `Tr(gᵢⱼ*kernel)`.
# Example
julia> g = HP.graphene(orbitals = 2, a0 = 1) |> attach(nothing, cells = (0,0)) |> greenfunction();
julia> summary(g(1)[sitepairs(range = 1)]) # g(ω=1) site blocks between all sites in zero cell and all other sites at distance 1
"28×4 OrbitalSliceMatrix{SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC{ComplexF64, Int64}}"
julia> summary(g(1)[sitepairs(range = 1, kernel = SA[1 0; 0 -1])]) # σz spin density of the above
"14×2 OrbitalSliceMatrix{SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC{ComplexF64, Int64}}"
# See also
`greenfunction`, `ldos`
`diagonal`, `hopselector`, `greenfunction`, `ldos`, `densitymatrix`

ldos(gs::GreenSlice; kernel = I)
ldos(gs::GreenSlice; kernel = missing)
Build `ρs::LocalSpectralDensitySlice`, a partially evaluated object representing the local
density of states `ρᵢ(ω)` at specific sites `i` but at arbitrary energy `ω`.
ldos(gω::GreenSolution; kernel = I)
ldos(gω::GreenSolution; kernel = missing)
Build `ρω::LocalSpectralDensitySolution`, as above, but for `ρᵢ(ω)` at a fixed `ω` and
arbitrary sites `i`. See also `greenfunction` for details on building a `GreenSlice` and
Expand All @@ -1747,7 +1808,7 @@ the retarded Green function at a given site `i`.
## Keywords
- `kernel` : for multiorbital sites, `kernel` allows to compute a generalized `ldos` `ρᵢ(ω) = -imag(Tr(gᵢᵢ(ω) * kernel))/π`, where `gᵢᵢ(ω)` is the retarded Green function at site `i` and energy `ω`. If `kernel = missing`, the complete, orbital-resolved `ldos` is returned.
- `kernel` : for multiorbital sites, `kernel` allows to compute a generalized `ldos` `ρᵢ(ω) = -imag(Tr(gᵢᵢ(ω) * kernel))/π`, where `gᵢᵢ(ω)` is the retarded Green function at site `i` and energy `ω`. If `kernel = missing`, the complete, orbital-resolved `ldos` is returned. Default: `missing`
## Full evaluation
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1784,7 +1845,7 @@ julia> ldos(g(0.2))[1]
julia> ldos(g(0.2))[1] == -imag.(g[diagonal(1; kernel = I)](0.2)) ./ π
julia> ldos(g(0.2))[1] == -imag.(diag(g[diagonal(1)](0.2))) ./ π
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1996,7 +2057,7 @@ as an `OrbitalSliceMatrix`, see its docstring for further details.
If the generic integration algorithm is used with complex `ωpoints`, the following form is
also available:
ρ(μ = 0, kBT = 0, override = missing; params...)
ρ(μ = 0, kBT = 0, override_path = missing; params...)
Here `override` can be a collection of `ωpoints` that will replace the original ones
provided when defining `ρ`. Alternatively, it can be a function that will be applied to the
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2057,15 +2118,16 @@ As above, but with `ωpoints = (-ωmax, ωmax)`.
## Full evaluation
J(kBT = 0, override = missing; params...) # where J::Josephson
J(kBT = 0, override_path = missing; params...) # where J::Josephson
Evaluate the current `I_J` at chemical potemtial `µ = 0` and temperature `kBT` (in the same
units as the Hamiltonian) for the given `g` parameters `params`, if any.
It's possible to `override` a complex integration path at evaluation time. In this case
`override` can be a collection of `ωpoints` that will replace the original ones provided
when defining `J`. Alternatively, it can be a function that will be applied to the original
`ωpoints`. This may be useful when the integration path must depend on `params`.
It's possible to use `override_path` to override a complex integration path at evaluation
time. In this case `override_path` can be a collection of `ωpoints` that will replace the
original ones provided when defining `J`. Alternatively, it can be a function that will be
applied to the original `ωpoints`. This may be useful when the integration path must depend
on `params`.
## Keywords
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2220,19 +2282,6 @@ julia> mat[sites(SA[1], 1)]
OrbitalSliceArray, OrbitalSliceVector, OrbitalSliceMatrix

diagonal(inds; kernel = missing)
Wrapper over indices `inds` used to obtain the diagonal of a `gω::GreenSolution`. If `d =
diagonal(sel)`, then `gω[d] = diag(gω[sel, sel])`, although in most cases the computation
is done more efficiently internally.
If `kernel = Q` (a matrix) instead of `missing`, a vector with `Tr(gᵢᵢQ)` on
each site `i` is returned (instead of of `vcat(diag(gᵢᵢ)...)`).

serializer(T::Type, selectors...; parameter = :stream, encoder = identity, decoder = identity)
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