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Web Development Project for SCC0219

Deployed app link


  • The system have 2 types of users: Customers and Administrators. The application already comes with an admin account with password admin.

  • Administrators are responsible for registering/managing by turning an non administrator user into an administrator.

  • Administrators are responsible for manage products, e.g., they can create, update, read and delete products.

  • Administrators are also responsible to manage orders, they can read, set as delivered and delete orders.

  • Customers are non administrator users that access the system to buy products.

  • The admin's and customer's records include: name, surname, cpf, birthdate, phone, email and address.

  • Product's records include: id, name, photo, quantity in stock, category, gender, style, lens material, frame material, lens color, frame color, lens protection and description.

  • Products are selected, their quantity chosen, and are included in a cart. Carts are emptied only on payment or by customers.

  • To buy a product, the user first need to insert an address with their respective information: public place, public place number, neighbourhood, city, state and postal code. If the user already has a registered address, the fields are automatically filled. After inserting the address, the user must choose de payment method, between credit card and debit card, and insert the following information: credit card number (any number is accepted by the system), card validation date, card security code and cpf of the owner of the card. After inserting the address and the credit card information, the user place the order and the quantity of products sold is subtracted from the quantity in stock and added to the quantity sold.

  • The system has a rating system in which the logged in users can give a rating, which ranges from 1 to 5 stars, to each product.

  • The system must provide accessibility requirements and provide good usability. The system must be responsive.

Project Description

The website was developed using React, NodeJS and Redux, used to manage the application states. MongoDB was used for the backend.

Navigation Diagram


Source comments

The source code of the project is consisted of two parts, frontend and backend.


The frontend part contains all files related to the visual part of the system. It has a global index.css file, responsible for all the website styling and a store.css file, which is the redux store, responsible to hold the current application state inside of it. Inside the frontend part there are two directories, public, which basically stores images used in the application and src, which stores all the source code of the application, divided into the following directories:

  • src/actions: stores methods responsible to execute events in the application, like making requests to the server, from different entities of the system.
  • src/components: stores source code of reusable components used in the site, like the product card.
  • src/pages: stores the pages of the website.
  • src/reducers: stores functions that change the states of the application based on actions performed, each reducer is directly used in the redux store.
  • src/constants: defines what type of actions can be performed for each reducer.


The backend part contains all files related to the data management part of the system. It have index.js, responsible to run the server, utils.js, responsible to implement authentication methods and data.js, which stores predefined data to send to the database. The backend part has two directories:

  • models: stores the data models of entities of the database, e.g., the data fields of entities like product and user.
  • routers: stores server routes to different http requests of entities of the system.

Test plan

The tests were manually made in the browser.



  • get /
    Get data of all users from database. It requires user and admin authentication, if at least one of these two is not validated, a 401 error is returned.

  • get /:id
    Get data of a user with a given id. It returns a 404 error if id is not found in the database.

  • delete /:id
    Delete an user with a given id. It requires user and admin authentication, if at least one of these two is not validated, a 401 error is returned. It returns a 404 error if id is not found in the database. It returns a 400 error if the admin that comes with the application is being removed.

  • put /:id
    Makes a common user with a given id an admin. It requires user and admin authentication, if at least one of these two is not validated, a 401 error is returned. It returns a 404 error if id is not found in the database.

  • put /profile
    Update information of a user. It requires user authentication, if it is not validated, a 401 error is returned. It returns a 404 error if id is not found in the database.

  • post /register
    Register an user into the database.

  • post /login
    Log in an user into the system. It returns a 401 error if email or password is incorrectly inserted.

  • get /seed
    Get data of pre-defined users stored in data.js.


  • get /
    Get data of product from database based on a filter in req.

  • get /categories
    Get all possible product categories from database.

  • get /genders
    Get all possible product genders from database.

  • get /styles
    Get all possible product styles from database.

  • get /lensmaterials
    Get all possible product lens materials from database.

  • get /framecolors
    Get all possible product frame colors from database.

  • get /lenscolors
    Get all possible product lens colors from database.

  • get /seed
    Get data of pre-defined products stored in data.js.

  • post /
    Insert a new produt into the database. It requires user and admin authentication, if at least one of these two is not validated, a 401 error is returned.

  • get /:id
    Get information of product with a given id. It returns a 404 error if id is not found in the database.

  • put /:id
    Update information of product with a given id. It requires user and admin authentication, if at least one of these two is not validated, a 401 error is returned. It returns a 404 error if id is not found in the database.

  • delete /:id
    Delete a product with a given id. It requires user and admin authentication, if at least one of these two is not validated, a 401 error is returned. It returns a 404 error if id is not found in the database.

  • post /:id/reviews
    Post a review of a product with a given id. It requires user authentication, if it is not validated, a 401 error is returned. It returns a 404 error if id is not found in the database.


  • get /
    Get data of all orders from database. It requires user and admin authentication, if at least one of these two is not validated, a 401 error is returned.

  • get /mine
    Find orders of an authenticated user. As it requires user authentication, a 401 error is returned if it is not validated.

  • post /
    Create an order, storing it in the database. It requires user authentication, if it is not validated, a 401 error is returned. If the cart is empty, a 400 error is returned.

  • get /:id
    Get information of an order with a given id. It requires user authentication, if it is not validated, a 401 error is returned. It returns a 404 error if id is not found in the database.

  • delete /:id
    Delete an order with a given id. It requires user and admin authentication, if at least one of these two is not validated, a 401 error is returned. It returns a 404 error if id is not found in the database.

  • put /:id/deliver
    Set an order with a given id as delivered. It requires user and admin authentication, if at least one of these two is not validated, a 401 error is returned. It returns a 404 error if id is not found in the database.


  • Register: The user must fill all the mandatory fields regarding to Personal Data, except phone. CPF and Email must be inserted in the correct formats otherwise there will be an error box informing to use the correct format. The fields regarding to Address are optional

  • Login: To access the login page, the user must click in the 'acessar conta' button. Once there, the user must insert email and password correctly and a validation is done using info in the database. An error box informing that email or password are invalid should appear if they don't match the information in the database. If email and password match, the user is redirected to the home page and the button 'acessar conta' becomes 'olá, (User Name)'.

  • Search Products: The user can access the search page by clicking in one of the category product buttons in the header navigation bar or inserting a name in the search bar and clicking enter. Once there, the user must be able to filter by product caracteristics and sort by date, price and rating all the products that match the category or name, depending on how the page was accessed.

  • Cart: The user, authenticated or not, must be able to fill the cart by clicking the button 'adicionar ao carrinho' in a product page and select the quantity of a product in the cart page, which can be accessed by the header navigation throught the button 'sacola' or when the button 'adicionar ao carrinho' is clicked. In the cart page, the user must be able to finish the order by clicking 'finalizar compra'. If the user is authenticated, they are redirected directly to the address page, otherwise, the user must log in first in the login page and then redirected to the address page. governador valadares 308

  • Place Order:

    • When finishing the order, the authenticated user will be redirected to the address page, where they must fill in all the necessary fields to the address. If the user has already an address registered, the fields are automatically filled with the information from it. With exception of the number, all address fields are required and an error box appears if one of them is not inserted. The CEP field has a specific format and, if the user doesn't insert in this format, an error box appear informing the format is wrong.
    • After clicking the button 'Continuar' in the address page, the user will be redirected to the payment page, where they must select the Payment Menthod, between credit or debit card, and fill all the field regarding to card information. All card fields are required and have an specific format. If a field is not filled or incorrectly filled, a error box appears warning about the respective error.
    • After clicking the button 'Continuar' in the payment page, the user will be redirected to the place order page, showing the shipping address, payment method, items in cart and order summary. The user can then place the order by clicking the button 'finalizar pedido', being redirected to the order page, that shows all the order information.
  • Edit Profile and Address: The user must be able to edit their profile and address information in their respective edition pages by clicking the buttons 'Perfil' or 'Endereço' inside the user dropdown in the header navigation bar. For the profile and address edition pages, there are a sequence of input boxes in which there will be the information stored for each field. To modify a field the user must write into the input box and then click the button 'alterar dados'. After that, the user's information will be modified in the database.

  • Access Orders: The user must be able to access their orders by clicking the button 'Pedidos' inside the user dropdown in the header navigation bar. In the order history page, all the orders placed by the user must be shown and, for each order, it is possible to see its details by clicking the button 'Detalhes', that will redirect the user to the respective order page.

  • User Management: The admin must be able to access the user list page from the button 'Usuários' on the admin dropdown in the header navigation bar. In the user list page, the admin can see every user registered in the system and, for each user, it is possible to delete ou make them an admin. If an admin tries to delete a user, a window should appear to confirm. If an admin tries to remove the first admin, a error box should appear informing that it is not possible to remove that admin. To make an user an admin, an user must click the button 'editar', redirecting them to the update user page.

  • Product Management: The admin must be able to access the product list page from the button 'Produtos' on the admin dropdown in the header navigation bar. In the product list page, the admin can see every user product registered in the system and, for each product, it is possible to delete it by clicking the button 'deletar' or edit and see details of it by clicking the button 'editar'. If an admin tries to delete a product, a window should appear to confirm. If an admin clicks the 'editar' button, they will be redirected to the product edition page, where it is possible to see all the product data for each field and modify them by writing in the fields and clicking the button 'atualizar'.

  • Order Management: The admin must be able to access the order list page from the button 'Pedidos' on the admin dropdown in the header navigation bar. In the order list page, the admin can see every user order registered in the system and, for each order, it is possible to see details of it by clicking the button 'detalhes' or delete it by clicking the button 'deletar'. If an admin tries to delete an order, a window should appear to confirm. If an admin clicks the 'detalhes' button, they will be redirected to the order page, where it is possible to see all the order information and deliver that order by clicking the button 'Confirmar Entrega'.

  • Review: An authenticated user must be able to write a review for each product in its respective product page. To do so, the user must set a rating from 0 to 5 and write a commentary and then click the button 'enviar'. After that, the review will appear in the Review Section of the product page.

Test results

All tests mentioned before worked as expected in Google Chrome and Postman.

Execution procedures

It is not necessary to setup or execute anything related to MongoDB because it is hosted on cloud.

1. Download or Clone repo

$ [email protected]:pabloolvr/ProjectDevWeb.git

2. Install NodeJs and NPM

3. Run Backend

$ cd ProjectDevWeb
$ npm install
$ npm start

4. Run Frontend

# open new terminal
$ cd frontend
$ npm install
$ npm start

5. Admin Login




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