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Create, manage and deploy p2panda schemas

Command-line-tool to easily create update and share your p2panda schemas.

fishy parses your current version of your schemas and matches it with previous ones to calculate the difference and apply changes automatically.

Your schema changes are committed to a schema.lock file which you can share with other developers. With fishy they will be able to deploy the same schema on their nodes.


Create, manage and deploy p2panda schemas

Usage: fishy <COMMAND>

  init    Initialises all files for a new fishy project in a given folder
  build   Automatically creates and signs p2panda data from a key pair and the defined schemas
  deploy  Deploy created schemas on a node
  help    Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help     Print help
  -V, --version  Print version


# Initialise a new schema, this creates a `schema.toml` file you can edit
fishy init

# Same as above, but in a different folder and with the name already defined
fishy init -n icecream ~/dev/schemas

# Commit any changes to the schema, this updates your `schema.lock` file
fishy build

# Only inspect the current status of your schemas, do not commit anything
fishy build --inspect

# Deploy commits to external node
fishy deploy --endpoint http://localhost:2020/graphql


Pre-compiled binaries

Check out our Releases section.

Compile it yourself

For the following steps you need a Rust development environment on your machine.

# Download source code
git clone
cd fishy

# Compile binary
cargo build --release

# Copy binary into your path (for example)
cp ./target/release/fishy ~/.local/bin


  1. Initialise a new schema by running fishy init. A dialogue will ask you for the name of your first schema. Enter a name, for example cafe and press enter. You will now find a schema.toml and secret.txt file in your folder.
  2. Edit schema.toml with any text editor. Follow the format to specify multiple schemas, their fields, types and relations to each other. For example:
    description = "A list of cafes"
    name = { type = "str" }
    address = { type = "str" }
    opening_year = { type = "int" }
    description = "Icecream sorts you can get in cafes"
    name = { type = "str" }
    sweetness = { type = "str" }
    cafes = { type = "relation_list", schema = { name = "cafe" } }
  3. You can commit these changes now to schema.lock by running fishy build. The tool will automatically show you the changes which will be committed and ask for your confirmation. Hit y to confirm. This step will generate, encode and sign the commits with your private key stored in secret.txt.
  4. This version of the schema lives now in schema.lock. You can go back to the schema.toml file and do any changes to the schema, run fishy build again to apply them. The tool will again only show you exactly what you've changed and generate the commits for only exactly these changes. Try it out!
  5. Finally deploy the schema on one or many nodes by running fishy deploy. Make sure you have a node running somewhere.
  6. Share the schema.lock file with others, with it they will be able to deploy the schemas on their nodes!


GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 AGPL-3.0-or-later

Supported by

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme within the framework of the NGI-POINTER Project funded under grant agreement No 871528


Create, manage and deploy p2panda schemas




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