Check the original repo and it is preferred to use it than this one as this repo won't be much maintained. But, of course, information from this fork can be useful too.
Please, in case of any issues while build or etc, create an issue on original repo page!
A tutorial for docker is available here and on the official repo
apt-get install libssl-dev zlib1g-dev build-essential
cd /opt
git clone -b '0.0.7' MTProxy
cd /opt/MTProxy
curl -s -o proxy-secret
curl -s -o proxy-multi.conf
ln -s /opt/MTProxy/objs/bin/mtproto-proxy /usr/bin/mtproto-proxy
cp resources/ /etc/init.d/mtproto-proxy
chmod +x /etc/init.d/mtproto-proxy
cp resources/options.template.txt ./options.txt
systemctl daemon-reload
How to generate secrets?
head -c 16 /dev/urandom | xxd -ps
Edit options.txt file and set there desired values described below
-P <proxy tag> -- (optional) Obtain a proxy tag from telegram bot @MTProxybot if you want to attach any channel as a "Proxy sponsor channel"
-u nobody -- nobody is the user name. mtproto-proxy calls setuid() to drop privilegies
-p 8888 -- is the local port. You can use it to get statistics from mtproto. Like wget localhost:8888/stats
-H 6968,6669 -- on which PORTS to listen for connections (You can set multiple ports using comma to split [see more](
-S <secret> -- secret, any 32byte string (md5hash). Generate it using _head -c 16 /dev/urandom | xxd -ps_
-S <secret2> -- another secret. Optionally, you can setup several passwords (secrets) per one server,
-S <secret3> -- just pass as many -S flags as you want
-M 0 -- quantity of workers (slave processes). Zero means only one process.
--address <public_ip_here> -- set IP address got from ifconfig OR set to which means to listen to all interfaces
--cpu-threads 2 -- threads per process. The value 2 is recommended.
--max-accept-rate 10 -- how many requests per second will be accepted. For powerful servers its possible to set 1000. For minimum users set to 10
-C 60000 -- Max connections to serve. This value was taken from docker config.
mtproto-proxy $(cat options.txt)
If there are no errors and Telegram client can connect, close it using Ctrl+C then run as a daemon
service mtproto-proxy start
service mtproto-proxy status
And there should be a process and Active daemon running. Check again if you can connect using Telegram client and enable the service to autorun on every reboot
systemctl enable mtproto-proxy
That's it. Now you can close the SSH connection to your VPS and keep using Telegram with your new server! The statistics of usage of the server are accessible via Telegram bot @MTProxybot
Add 'dd' prefix to any secret key you share with public. For example, my original secret is SECRET, so in url you share add 'dd' to it:
And the secret will be 2 more characters long (34 chars). Note that this is not supported in older client versions.
This enables the Telegram client traffic masking on client side by wrapping it into TLS traffic. The Telegram traffic will be nothing that a usual HTTPS traffic to your provider. It is recommended to set workers (-M 0) to zero to make it work better and to set port to 443 (-H 443).
As usual, create a 32 character secret
export SECRET=$(head -c 16 /dev/urandom | xxd -ps)
echo $SECRET
You will see your secret as "abcd......efd"
Now, choose a domain with TLS 1.3 support (it should have an HTTPS certificate and support TLS 1.3), or choose some public domain like
Now, encode this domain using
export DOMAIN=$(echo | tr -d '\n' | xxd -ps -c 200)
echo Use this secret in client: "ee${SECRET}${DOMAIN}"
And you will see:
Use this secret in client: "eeabcdef....efg"
And the secret will be quite long.
Now, form the url to use it for connecting to your server using this long secret:
For making the generation easier use this JS tool: (mirror) or
And run the MTProto proxy as following:
mtproto-proxy -S abcd......efd -H 443 -M 0 --domain
Note: the --domain must be the same domain as you have encoded it above and included into your secret! Otherwise, it will not work.
Enabling FakeTLS will block old users with old method of conneciton.
Generate the link tg://proxy?server=SERVER_NAME&port=6968&secret=SECRET and