9.0.0 - 2023-02-13
introduces Changie for changelog automation
add declare strict_types directive on top of each php script
add PHP DocBlock header comment on top of each php script
introduces test automation with PHPUnit
introduces Finder component to find source files to analyse
introduces Logger component (basic PSR-3) for cache debugging purpose
introduces Dispatcher component with events to allow extensible code more easy
introduces extensions to display checking progress
introduces OptionsResolver component to resolve configuration with options
#173 : Improve PHAR build with BOX v4 by adding a manifest
option to display contents of manifest of the PHAR version (only) of PHPLinter
raise minimum version constraint on Symfony Components to use the current LTS (5.4)
update jetbrains/phpstorm-stubs
requirement to accept v2022
update brainmaestro/composer-git-hooks
requirement to accept v3.0 alpha1 : that will allow to update psr/log to v3 and symfony/console to v6
code-rewrites to use Symfony Cache Component
Lint process class was renamed and some minor type declaration were fixed
Remove n98/junit-xml dependency and replace it by new JunitXmlReporter extension (about 30 lines of code)
JsonOutput console/output is specialized to produce JSON output results (see --log-json
JunitOutput console/output is specialized to produce JUnit XML format results (see --log-junit
ConsoleOutput is specialized to produce CLI output (default results)
upgrade humbug/php-scoper
to allow usage of Box v4 with at least PHP 8.1
Integration with PHP-Scoper to provide a PHAR code isolation with BOX project
All dev tools are now under bamarni/composer-bin-plugin control
You can’t perform that action at this time.