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Advanced Computing Systems draft (WIP)

hanjiexi edited this page Dec 19, 2018 · 5 revisions

Advanced Computing Systems

In this section, you are asked to master the low-level internals of a single, real-world, open source operating system of your choice. The operating system you choose doesn't need to be popular, but it does need to be complete enough that you can download and run useful programs on it with reasonable performance. So Haiku or Redox would be fine; macOS is fine since its core (Darwin) is open source; Windows is not an option at this time.

We have listed some operating systems that are known to us, but if you are studying a different one and found a wealth of resources on it, we encourage you to submit a pull request.


  • Advanced Programming


Linux track

BSD track

  • TODO: separate tracks for Darwin/macOS, FreeBSD, et al.?

Redox track

Other possible tracks?

  • Haiku
  • illumos / OpenIndiana

Needed by

  • Unikernels Domain