[2.6.0] 2021-11-09
Last minor update before releasing our new design. New updates from now on will only be small bug fixes.
- Rewritten sass rules from
- hopefully easier to implement the new Oslo Design System - Rewritten all the Cloud Functions to es modules - we can now write more future-proof code.
- Updated all dependencies of Cloud Functions
- Updated dependencies
- Updated stylelint to v14 and fixed all the breaking changes
- Not allowed to update Period if you only changed the name.
- Showing loading spinner when fetching KPI/KeyResult progress
- Moved widgets around for a better UX experience for mobile users
- When updating Org/Dep/Prod, the state store would get corrupt and only refresh fixed it. Double documents would show because vuexfire does not handle hundreds of documents that well.
- functions: config to active slackbot or not actually works