Deploys n vms, linux or windows, based on var.virtual_machine_instances and var.virtual_machine_names
This Terraform module deploys Virtual Machines in Azure, ideas from official module.
Repository and branches facts:
- branch fix_old4 is used for releases v0.4.0 and later, this version use the old resource azurerm_virtual_machine DEPRECATED
- branch fix_old5 is used for releases v0.5.1 and later, this version use the new resources azurerm_linux_virtual_machine and azurerm_windows_virtual_machine, only one data disk is allowed DEPRECATED
- branch main is used for releases v0.6.1 and later, this version permit to have m data disks attached to n vms CURRENT
- var.virtual_machine_instances number of linux vm or windows vm based on var.is_windows value
- for each vm add a nic and a os disk
- it's possible to add n data disk per vm based on data_disks list
- if application security groups are in use it's possible to attach to the vm nic var.application_security_group_ids application security groups. It's a m to n relationship
- vms maybe backed up with the resource azurerm_backup_protected_vm
- linux vm support a custom script extension to run a bash script after the deploy
- windows vm support 2 custom script:
- to run a powershell script after the deploy
- to join the vm to an Active Directory domain
- it's possible to use availability zones: the vms and relevant data disks will be deployed in availability_zones_number zones, default to 3. The first vm and its data disks will be deployed on availability zone 1, the second vm and its data disks will be deployed on availability zone 2 and so on
# Linux vm example
module "my_module" {
source = "oraziobattaglia/compute/azurerm"
location = var.location
resource_group = var.resource_group
virtual_machine_instances = "2"
virtual_machine_names = ["my-vm-01", "my-vm-02"]
subnet_id = var.subnet_id
private_ip_address_allocation = "Dynamic"
enable_accelerated_networking = false
availability_set_enabled = true
availability_set_id = var.azurerm_availability_set_id
# It's possible to use availability zones: the first vm and its data disks will be deployed on availability zone 1, the
# second vm and its data disks will be deployed on availability zone 2 and so on.
availability_zones_enabled = true
availability_zones_number = 3 # Default to 3
# It's a list
application_security_group_ids = var.application_security_group_ids
is_windows = false
vm_size = "Standard_D8s_v3"
storage_account_type = "Premium_LRS"
vm_os_publisher = "canonical"
vm_os_offer = "0001-com-ubuntu-server-focal"
vm_os_sku = "20_04-lts-gen2"
vm_os_version = "latest"
admin_username = var.admin_username
admin_password = var.admin_password
# Data disks
data_disks = [
data_disk_sa_type = "Standard_LRS"
data_disk_caching = "None"
data_disk_size_gb = 25
data_disk_lun = 0
data_disk_sa_type = "Standard_LRS"
data_disk_caching = "None"
data_disk_size_gb = 40
data_disk_lun = 1
# Boot diagnostics
boot_diagnostics = true
storage_account_boot_diagnostics = azurerm_storage_account.my_storage_account.primary_blob_endpoint
# Backup variables
backup_enabled = true
recovery_vault_name = var.recovery_vault_name
recovery_vault_resource_group = var.recovery_vault_resource_group
backup_policy_id = var.backup_policy_id
customize = true
linux_cs_file_uri = ""
linux_cs_command = "bash customize_linux.bash"
# Windows vm example
module "my_module" {
source = "oraziobattaglia/compute/azurerm"
location = var.location
resource_group = var.resource_group
virtual_machine_instances = "1"
virtual_machine_names = ["my_vm"]
subnet_id = var.subnet_id
private_ip_address_allocation = "Dynamic"
is_windows = true
vm_size = "Standard_B2ms"
storage_account_type = "StandardSSD_LRS"
vm_os_publisher = "microsoftwindowsdesktop"
vm_os_offer = "windows-11"
vm_os_sku = "win11-22h2-pro"
vm_os_version = "latest"
admin_username = var.admin_username
admin_password = var.admin_password
boot_diagnostics = false
backup_enabled = false
customize = false
join = false
identity_type = "SystemAssigned"
aad_login_for_windows = true