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Enforce that ZIM title must not be longer than 30 chars on our ZIMs #571

Enforce that ZIM title must not be longer than 30 chars on our ZIMs

Enforce that ZIM title must not be longer than 30 chars on our ZIMs #571

Workflow file for this run

name: QA
on: [push, pull_request]
# black default
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python }}
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: "3.11"
architecture: x64
- name: Install dependencies
run: |
pip install black==24.2.0 flake8==7.0.0 isort==5.13.2
black --version
flake8 --version
isort --version
- name: Check black formatting
run: |
black --check .
- name: Check flake8 linting
run: |
flake8 dispatcher/backend --count --max-line-length=$MAX_LINE_LENGTH --statistics
flake8 dispatcher/relay --count --max-line-length=$MAX_LINE_LENGTH --statistics
flake8 receiver/apps --count --max-line-length=$MAX_LINE_LENGTH --statistics
flake8 uploader --count --max-line-length=$MAX_LINE_LENGTH --statistics
flake8 watcher --count --max-line-length=$MAX_LINE_LENGTH --statistics
flake8 workers --count --max-line-length=$MAX_LINE_LENGTH --statistics
- name: Check import order with isort
run: |
isort --profile black --check --src dispatcher/backend/src/ --src dispatcher/backend/maint-scripts dispatcher/backend/
isort --profile black --check dispatcher/relay/
isort --profile black --check receiver/apps
isort --profile black --check uploader
isort --profile black --check watcher
isort --profile black --check --src workers/app workers