Because opentk has it's own needs when it comes to it's nuget glfw redist package this repository was created to manage our own version of the fantastic glfw-redist project originally found here:
This repository contains all files and information to create a NuGet package out of the official pre-compiled binaries of GLFW.
We do not compile the library myself! We only package the available pre-compiled binaries.
GLFW is licensed under the zlib/libpng license.
Project Website:
We are as of
using the static-ucrt
build of GLFW on windows which means that "Visual C++ Redistributable 2015" is no longer a requirement.
Previous versions of this package was using the VS2019
binaries which recuired "Visual C++ Redistributable 2015" to be installed.
Currently only works on Linux
Install nuget command line tool.
Run: make_nuget.ps1 . 5
The first argument is this project directory.
The second argument is the build number, which is to be increased each time a new package for the same version is published, version number is automatically ends with -pre[TIMESTAMP] on the develop branch.