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Fix typo in recipient #883

Fix typo in recipient

Fix typo in recipient #883

# Copyright OpenSearch Contributors
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
name: Test and Build Dashboards Notifications
on: [pull_request, push]
PLUGIN_NAME: notifications-dashboards
JEST_TEST_ARGS: ${{ matrix.jest_test_args }}
# prevents extra Cypress installation progress messages
CI: 1
# avoid warnings like "tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified"
TERM: xterm
WORKING_DIR: ${{ matrix.working_directory }}.
# This setting says that all jobs should finish, even if one fails
fail-fast: false
# TODO: macos-latest was removed due to CI flakiness, we can revisit adding it back later
- os: windows-latest
os_build_args: -x integTest -x jacocoTestReport
working_directory: X:\
os_java_options: -Xmx4096M
cypress_cache_folder: ~/AppData/Local/Cypress/Cache
- os: ubuntu-latest
os_build_args: -x integTest -x jacocoTestReport
jest_test_args: --coverage
cypress_cache_folder: ~/.cache/Cypress
# TODO: Add back when macos-latest is back in the test matrix
# - os: macos-latest
# cypress_cache_folder: ~/Library/Caches/Cypress
name: Test and Build Dashboards Notifications on ${{ matrix.os }}
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
- name: Set up JDK
uses: actions/setup-java@v2
distribution: temurin # Temurin is a distribution of adoptium
java-version: 11
# This is a hack, but this step creates a link to the X: mounted drive, which makes the path
# short enough to work on Windows
- name: Shorten Path
if: ${{ matrix.os == 'windows-latest' }}
run: |
git config --system core.longpaths true
subst 'X:' .
- name: enable long paths in git
if: ${{ matrix.os == 'windows-latest' }}
run: |
# enable long paths to fix "path too long" errors when cloning repos in windows
git config --system core.longpaths true
shell: bash
- name: Check out the notifications repo
uses: actions/checkout@v2
repository: opensearch-project/notifications
path: notifications
- name: Run Opensearch with plugin
working-directory: ${{ env.WORKING_DIR }}
run: |
# Install coreutils for macOS since timeout doesn't seem to available on that OS even when forcing bash shell
if [ "$RUNNER_OS" == "macOS" ]; then
brew install coreutils
cd notifications/notifications
./gradlew run -Dopensearch.version=${{ env.OPENSEARCH_VERSION }} -x integTest -x jacocoTestReport &
timeout 300 bash -c 'while [[ "$(curl -s -o /dev/null -w ''%{http_code}'' localhost:9200)" != "200" ]]; do sleep 5; done'
shell: bash
_JAVA_OPTIONS: ${{ matrix.os_java_options }}
- name: Checkout Notification Dashboards plugin
uses: actions/checkout@v2
path: dashboards-notifications
- name: Checkout OpenSearch Dashboards
uses: actions/checkout@v2
repository: opensearch-project/Opensearch-Dashboards
path: OpenSearch-Dashboards
- name: Setup Node
uses: actions/setup-node@v3
node-version-file: './OpenSearch-Dashboards/.nvmrc'
registry-url: ''
- name: Install correct yarn version for OpenSearch Dashboards
# Need to use bash to avoid having a windows/linux specific step
shell: bash
run: |
YARN_VERSION=$(node -p "require('./OpenSearch-Dashboards/package.json').engines.yarn")
echo "Installing yarn@$YARN_VERSION"
npm i -g yarn@$YARN_VERSION
- run: node -v
- run: yarn -v
- name: Set npm to use bash for shell
if: ${{ matrix.os == 'windows-latest' }}
run: |
# Sets Windows to use bash for npm shell so the script commands work as intended
npm config set script-shell "C:\\Program Files\\git\\bin\\bash.exe"
- name: Move Notifications to Plugins Dir
run: |
mv dashboards-notifications OpenSearch-Dashboards/plugins/dashboards-notifications
- name: OpenSearch Dashboards Plugin Bootstrap
run: |
cd ./OpenSearch-Dashboards/plugins/dashboards-notifications
yarn osd bootstrap --single-version=loose
- name: Build Artifact
run: |
cd ./OpenSearch-Dashboards/plugins/dashboards-notifications
yarn build
- name: Run unit tests
uses: nick-fields/retry@v2
timeout_minutes: 30
max_attempts: 1
command: cd ./OpenSearch-Dashboards/plugins/dashboards-notifications; yarn test:jest ${{ env.JEST_TEST_ARGS }}
shell: bash
- name: Run OpenSearch Dashboards server
run: |
cd ./OpenSearch-Dashboards
yarn start --no-base-path --no-watch"" --opensearch.requestTimeout=120000 &
timeout 900 bash -c 'while [[ "$(curl -s http://localhost:5601/api/status | jq -r '.status.overall.state')" != "green" ]]; do echo sleeping 5; sleep 5; done'
curl -sk localhost:5601/api/status | jq
netstat -anp tcp | grep LISTEN | grep 5601 || netstat -ntlp | grep 5601
shell: bash
- name: Add sleep to wait for bundle build completion
run: |
sleep 300
# sleep two more minutes to make sure all the bundles have been built.
shell: bash
- name: Install Cypress
run: |
cd ./OpenSearch-Dashboards/plugins/dashboards-notifications
# This will install Cypress in case the binary is missing which can happen on Windows and Mac
# If the binary exists, this will exit quickly so it should not be an expensive operation
npx cypress install
shell: bash
- name: Get Cypress version
id: cypress_version
run: |
cd ./OpenSearch-Dashboards/plugins/dashboards-notifications
echo "::set-output name=cypress_version::$(cat ./package.json | jq '.dependencies.cypress' | tr -d '"')"
- name: Cache Cypress
id: cache-cypress
uses: actions/cache@v2
path: ${{ matrix.cypress_cache_folder }}
key: cypress-cache-v2-${{ runner.os }}-${{ hashFiles('OpenSearch-Dashboards/plugins/dashboards-notifications/package.json') }}
- name: Reset npm's script shell
if: ${{ matrix.os == 'windows-latest' }}
run: |
# Resetting npm's script shell for Windows so `yarn run cypress` doesn't have conflicts
npm config delete script-shell
- name: Run Cypress tests
uses: cypress-io/github-action@v2
working-directory: OpenSearch-Dashboards/plugins/dashboards-notifications
command: yarn run cypress run
wait-on: 'http://localhost:5601'
CYPRESS_CACHE_FOLDER: ${{ matrix.cypress_cache_folder }}
# Screenshots are only captured on failure, will change this once we do visual regression tests
- uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
if: failure()
name: cypress-screenshots-${{ matrix.os }}
path: OpenSearch-Dashboards/plugins/dashboards-notifications/.cypress/screenshots
# Test run video was always captured, so this action uses "always()" condition
- uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
if: always()
name: cypress-videos-${{ matrix.os }}
path: OpenSearch-Dashboards/plugins/dashboards-notifications/.cypress/videos
- name: Upload coverage
if: ${{ matrix.os == 'ubuntu-latest' }}
uses: codecov/codecov-action@v1
flags: dashboards-notifications
directory: OpenSearch-Dashboards/plugins/
token: ${{ secrets.CODECOV_TOKEN }}
- name: Upload Artifact
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: dashboards-notifications-${{ matrix.os }}
path: OpenSearch-Dashboards/plugins/dashboards-notifications/build