In the first instance, send a detailed email to [email protected] to report a possible vulnerability in Virtuoso, even if you are uncertain whether the issue in question is an exploitable vulnerability.
Please add as much detail as possible in your report, including:
- version information from the binary using
virtuoso-t -?
- where you compiled/downloaded this binary from
- short description (or script) to demonstrate the issue
You should receive an acknowledgement within a few business days, which may include requests for additional details.
Followups, including notification of a relevant patch, will be sent as appropriate.
Currently there is no official "Long-Term Support" version in Virtuoso.
New features as well as bug-fixes are regularly committed to the develop/7 branch on GitHub.
At regular intervals we perform our due diligence and we close off this development cycle by merging the work to the stable/7 branch.
We then publish a new release with ports for several key platforms.