Bug fixes
Welcome to the v1.1.1-alpha.3 release of chat!🎉🎉!
Full Changelog: v1.1.1-alpha.2...v1.1.1-alpha.3
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This release is only possible thanks to all the support of some awesome people!
Want to be one of them 😘?
Contributions to this project are welcome! Please see CONTRIBUTING.md for details.
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Here are some ways to get involved with the OpenIM community:
📢 Slack Channel: Join our Slack channels for discussions, communication, and support. Click here to join the chat Slack team channel.
📧 Gmail Contact: If you have any questions, suggestions, or feedback for our open-source projects, please feel free to contact us via email.
📖 Blog: Stay up-to-date with OpenIM-Server projects and trends by reading our blog. We share the latest developments, tech trends, and other interesting information related to OpenIM.
📱 WeChat: Add us on WeChat (QR Code) and indicate that you are a user or developer of chat. We'll process your request as soon as possible.
Remember, your contributions play a vital role in making OpenIM successful, and we look forward to your active participation in our community! 🙌