Machine readable (JSON) descriptions of municipal (city) council descriptions for use with opencivicdata/pupa.
See Edit the Jurisdiction's Metadata as a rough guide to creating a description and as an example of application.
Meant as a way of sharing the data required to scrape and describe municipalities' councils.
You can access a municipality's description data by following this convention on the static site:
country code/region code/city name with dash separators plus .json extension
Codes are two character standard codes. So Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA would be found at this URL:
Or Santa Fe
Countries where regions (aka states or provinces) are not relevant can skip them and simply use this pattern:
country code/city name with dash separators plus .json extension
Until we set up a permanent home, you can get the data by grabbing the raw file off github like so:
To contribute municipal description data, fork the repository, and submit a pull request.