Helper classes for Pydantic compatibility in the OpenFF stack
As of Interchange 0.4, the features of this package are provided directly in Interchange. Below are samples of how to get previous functionality with the new classes.
import pprint
import json
from openff.interchange.pydantic import _BaseModel
from openff.interchange._annotations import _ElementaryChargeQuantity, _DistanceQuantity, _Quantity
from openff.units import unit, Quantity
class Atom(_BaseModel):
mass: _Quantity
charge: _ElementaryChargeQuantity
some_array: _DistanceQuantity
atom = Atom(
mass=12.011 * unit.atomic_mass_constant,
charge=0.0 * unit.elementary_charge,
some_array=Quantity([4, -1, 0], "nanometer"),
# {'mass': {'val': 12.011, 'unit': 'atomic_mass_constant'}, 'charge': {'val': 0.0, 'unit': 'elementary_charge'}, 'some_array': {'val': [4, -1, 0], 'unit': 'nanometer'}}
# Note that unit-bearing fields use custom serialization into a dict with separate key-val pairs for
# the unit (as a string) and unitless quantities (in whatever shape the data is)
# {"mass":{"val":12.011,"unit":"atomic_mass_constant"},"charge":{"val":0.0,"unit":"elementary_charge"},"some_array":{"val":[4,-1,0],"unit":"nanometer"}}
# The same thing, just more human-readable
# {'charge': {'unit': 'elementary_charge', 'val': 0.0},
# 'mass': {'unit': 'atomic_mass_constant', 'val': 12.011},
# 'some_array': {'unit': 'nanometer', 'val': [4, -1, 0]}}
# Can also roundtrip through these representations
assert Atom.model_validate(atom.model_dump()).charge.m == 0.0
assert Atom.model_validate_json(atom.model_dump_json()).mass.m == 12.011
The recommendation is that, at minimum, models are defined with _Quantity
from openff.interchange._annotations
. This ensures keeps serialization functionality but does not pick up the validaiton features of the custom types, i.e. dimensionality validation or checking for specific units.
import json
from openff.units import Quantity
from openff.interchange.pydantic import _BaseModel
class Atom(_BaseModel):
mass: _Quantity = Quantity(0.0, "amu")
json.loads(Atom(mass=12.011 * unit.atomic_mass_constant).model_dump_json())
# {'mass': '{"val": 12.011, "unit": "atomic_mass_constant"}'}
# This model does not have instructions to keep masses in mass units
json.loads(Atom(mass=12.011 * unit.nanometer).model_dump_json())
# {'mass': '{"val": 12.011, "unit": "nanometer"}'}
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Project based on the Computational Molecular Science Python Cookiecutter version 1.6.