Releases: openefsa/tse-data-reporting-tool
TSE data reporting tool v1.3.7
• Corrections of the codes associated to the different options of BSE sample/case assessment (affecting only countries that reported L-BSE or H- BSE in 2020. If you have been affected by this change, you will be contacted individually in a separate email with further instructions)
• Correction of the automatically generated analytical results for negative samples: now the automatically generated results for a negative sample are negative.
• Restricting the reporting/sampling year to 2020 or earlier
• Addition of an error message when 0 is reported in the column Tested for random genotyping results
• Addition of a new button “Export as Excel”. Several users asked for the possibility to check and sum up the inserted data before sending them to the DCF. This button allows you to export the Aggregated Data in xlsx format and perform any further checks in Excel.
• Addition of new reporting countries.
TSE data reporting tool v1.3.6
- Fixed bug related with status heard not imported from xml file
- Changed table schema
- Small changes to amend function
- Added new regions in sampArea for Balkan countries
- Small changes to the UI
- Other bugs fixed and optimisations
TSE data reporting tool v1.3.5
Data Collection 2019 Available
TSE data reporting tool v1.3.4
- New countries are now available
TSE data reporting tool v1.3.3
- Solved bug when downloading RGT records
- Other changes and bug fixes to table schema
TSE data reporting tool v1.3.2
- Revert code formula on table schema for test type and first test type
TSE data reporting tool v1.3.1
- Removed unused selections from the anMethTypesList picklist,
- Solved bug for Scrapie record which was showing in the aggregated data level a value only accepted in analytical result level,
- other small changes to the tableSchema.
TSE data reporting tool v1.3.0
- Changes made to the Test type, first test type and status heard on the table schema. All of them where recalculating the value after having performed changes into the table letting, in specific cases, the fields empty.
TSE data reporting tool v1.2.9
- Fixed bug related with sampD not set for all default records in Analytical result level
- Removed clone record option for sample and analytical level
TSE data reporting tool v1.2.8
- Fixed the bug that set paramCode and paramCodeBase with the value selected on anMethCode when changed from the default records generated by the tool (in Analytical Res),
- added the anPortSeq also to the default code in the tableSchema.