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Hooks for ReasonML

This is a port of @opendevtools/hooks for ReasonML/BuckleScript. This project was initially developed @iteam1337.


npm install @opendevtools/rescript-hooks

Add @opendevtools/rescript-hooks to bs-dependencies in bsconfig.json

Available Hooks

useToggle(~initialState: option(bool), unit): (bool, unit => unit)

initialState is set to false by default, that's why it's an option(bool)


let make = () => {
  let (isAlive, toggleValue) = OpenDevToolsHooks.useToggle()

  <button onClick={_ => toggleValue()}> {(isAlive ? `🚀` : `😴`)->React.string} </button>

Gets a value from a specified query param

useQueryParam(~param: Js.Dict.key): string


let make = () => {
  let param = OpenDevToolsHooks.useQueryParam(~param="sweetParam")

  <div> {"That's a nice query param with the value " ++ param |> React.string} </div>