This repository contains the source code for generating the website published at
If you want to add a new vocabulary to the site you only need to include its URI in the Vocabularies CSV
Main developers: María Poveda and Daniel Garijo
Other contributors: Miguel Angel García, Victor Rodríguez Doncel
Usage: java-jar vocab.jar -i input CSV file path [-o outputDirectoryPath]
If the -o flag is not inserted, a folder called site_+actualdate will be created.
A mezclar con la siguiente documentación:
En este repositorio se mantienen los vocabularios que se publican en
A continuación se describen los pasos para añadir un nuevo vocabulario:
A) Si tienes permisos de escritura sobre este repositorio
A.1) Añade una línea nueva al fichero Vocabularies.csv, con el formato: URI;{list of domains, comma separated}
A.2) Haz un commit en la master branch
B) Si no tienes permisos de escritura sobre este repositorio
B.1) Fork this repository
B.2) Add a new line to the Vocabularies.csv file with the format: URI;{list of domains, comma separated}
B.3) Commit it to the master branch and make a pull request when you are happy with it
B.3) Wait for any of the persons with write or admin permissions to accept it
Check the gh-page branch (e.g. to check whether the new site is ok or not before making the pull request to master (so that it is updated in