In-depth documentation on Oms and how it integrates with the rest of the Oms Platform is available at Oms.Finance
npm install
truffle compile
truffle test
truffle-flattener contracts/v4/Oms.sol > scratch/Oms.sol
truffle-flattener contracts/v4/OmsPolicy.sol > scratch/OmsPolicy.sol
truffle-flattener contracts/v4/Orchestrator.sol > scratch/Orchestrator.sol
truffle-flattener contracts/v6/Oracle.sol > scratch/Oracle.sol
Use the following if you want to flatten the contract and also process only one SPDX licence identifier.
truffle-flattener contracts/v4/Oms.sol | awk '/SPDX-License-Identifier/&&c++>0 {next} 1' > scratch/Oms.sol
truffle-flattener contracts/v4/OmsPolicy.sol | awk '/SPDX-License-Identifier/&&c++>0 {next} 1' > scratch/OmsPolicy.sol
truffle-flattener contracts/v4/Orchestrator.sol | awk '/SPDX-License-Identifier/&&c++>0 {next} 1' > scratch/Orchestrator.sol
truffle-flattener contracts/v6/Oracle.sol | awk '/SPDX-License-Identifier/&&c++>0 {next} 1' > scratch/Oracle.sol
npm run run95
Open Eth95 in a browser by going to http://localhost:3000/