A K8s compliance checker aggregator with a dashboard and analyzer of K8s compliance, as well as 3rd party scanners integration.
The Compliance Dashboard for Kubernetes consists of:
- An agent to be deployed to the target kubernetes, and report details.
- A web portal based on Grafana to visualize the findings.
- An Elasticsearch backend for persist.
- An api server to connect all the above together.
- kube-bench
- kube-hunter
- kube-score
- kube-linter
- Collie Analysis
On Mac:
Approach 1 - Automated approach, try the preparation script
Approach 2 - Manual installation:
- Install homebrew: https://brew.sh/
- Install/upgrade kubectl: https://formulae.brew.sh/formula/kubernetes-cli
brew upgrade kubectl brew link --overwrite kubernetes-cli
- Install/update minikube: https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/start/
brew unlink minikube brew install minikube brew link minikube
- Config and start minikube
minikube config set cpus 4 minikube config set memory 4096 minikube start minikube addons enable default-storageclass minikube addons enable storage-provisioner minikube addons enable ingress
- Install helm chart: https://helm.sh/docs/intro/quickstart/
brew install helm helm repo add grafana https://grafana.github.io/helm-charts helm repo add elastic https://helm.elastic.co helm repo update
To run prebuilt images in local environment:
- Identify local PC public IP, e.g. via ifconfig.
- Add a DNS record "collie-dev.org" to that IP in /etc/hosts file
- Run the deployment script, which deploys all components and forward ports to local host properly.
cd deployment/helm-charts
Open browser:
Copy agent installation script from the UI, and execute the script to install the againt. The script is a kubectl command to deploy the agent. You may run on any k8s that can connects to your pc.
After the agent starts and paired, dashboard button is enabled on the UI page.
Click the button to open the dashboard
Note: this is a known issue with the default bootstrap, and by default for the first time you will get "Page not found" and "Unauthorized" notification. To workaround it, see the known issue section below.
To workaround the first-time "Page not found", a one-time operation is needed.
- In the opened dashboard, click the right top "Sign in", and sign in using admin/admin
- Click left top "Toggle Menu" -> "Administration" -> "Datasources" -> "es-collie-k8s-elastic" -> "Save & test"
- Open dashboard again
The following script will delete all the deployed k8s resources.
or totally destroy the environment:
minikube delete
The compliance-dashboard-for-kubernetes project team welcomes contributions from the community.
For more detailed information, refer to CONTRIBUTING_CLA.md.