- Background
- Objective
- Tools and Packages
- Data Collection & Processing
- Results
I spent some time in a Data Specialist role for the Ontario Birth Study, and during this time we outlined a need for an informative dashboard of OBS progress while I constructed the new website.
- Consolidate relevant data (total completed questionnaires, average participant age, samples collected and more)
- Improve OBS efficiency using BI applications
- Brodcast relevant KPIs to obs stakeholders (participants, researchers) and people with a general interest in the study
- Embed dashboard on OBS website
- Automate process
This project was done entirely using R:
- shiny: Interactive web applications
- shinydashboard: Dashboard layouts for shiny
- tidyverse: Data manipulation & visualization
- RODBC: ODBC connectivity between R and SQL databases
- gsubfn: String expressions
- REDCapR: API for interaction between REDCap and R
Method | Notes |
redcap_read_oneshot() | Gathering clinical data for each patient |
followup_scan() | Function for data transformation for dashboard purposes |
HTML iFrame | For embedding dashboards into web pages |
The image above is from the dashboard on the home page, which can be accessed here
The image above is from the more detailed researcher dashboard, which goes into granular detail regarding the details of the study.
Benefits include:
- Focusing on & broadcasting KPIs to relevant stakeholders.
- Fully customizable depending on business or stakeholder interests.
- Data consolidation