A dumb game about proving you know what cases are and screaming into the sky.
A user starts with 3 cases:
- camelCase
- kebab-case
- snake_case
The names of these cases will be presented to the player in a case style. These might match (i.e. snake_case, camelCase) or the might be mis-matched (i.e. camel-case, kebabCase).
The aim of the game is to click the ones that match and ignore the ones that don't.
If you get trigger happy and click a mis-matched case, you lose, flip your computer over and scream into a pillow (if available).
Every time the user gets an additional 10 points, a new kind of case gets added. In order, these are:
- PascalCase
- flatcase
- 1337
The purpose of the game is to get a high winning streak, so there are no continues after a wrong answer.
- Share on social media (challenge a friend)
- Explain wrong answers (e.g. "Oops, sorry. That was snake_case")
- Questions and arguments not being reset at the start of a new game