Hades is a lightweight Layer 7 reverse Proxy designed to effeciently route and manage HTTP/s traffic. It featuers customizable routing rules, load balancing, sub domain rotuing, XSS Filter, Rate limiting and more to optimize web application performence and security.
The easiest way to install Hades is to clone this repo and run follow commands
git clone https://github.com/oglis22/Hades_Proxy.git
start install.bat
start start.bat
./install.sh && ./start.sh
docker build -t hadex-proxy .
docker run -d --name hades-proxy hades-proxy
npm i
npm run build
npm start
To run Hades you need NodeJS
- sub domain routing
- proxied/redirected
- rate limiting
- XSS Filters
- lightweight installable and usable proxy
More features comming soon. Contributors are always welcome discord