This project addresses a critical challenge in the HR and talent acquisition domain, specifically for a company specializing in Big Data and Data Science training and recruitment. The company provides specialized training programs as part of their recruitment pipeline but faces significant resource allocation challenges due to uncertainty about candidates' post-training intentions.
The project leverages machine learning techniques to analyze candidate data collected during the signup and enrollment processes. By examining various factors including demographics, educational background, work experience, and training participation, we've developed predictive models to identify candidates genuinely interested in joining the company post-training versus those likely to seek employment elsewhere.
Key challenges addressed in this project include:
- Managing an imbalanced dataset reflecting real-world recruitment patterns
- Handling multiple categorical variables with high cardinality
- Processing missing data across several critical features
- Developing a robust pipeline for automated data preprocessing and model training
- Predict the likelihood of candidates changing jobs after training
- Identify key factors influencing job change decisions
- Optimize training resource allocation
- Reduce recruitment costs and time
- Improve candidate categorization
- Training set: 19,158 records
- Test set: 2,129 records
- Target variable is binary (0: No job change, 1: Will change job)
- Dataset on Kaggle
Feature | Description |
enrollee_id | Unique ID for candidate |
city | City code |
city_development_index | Development index of the city (scaled) |
gender | Gender of candidate |
relevant_experience | Relevant experience of candidate |
enrolled_university | Type of University course enrolled if any |
education_level | Education level of candidate |
major_discipline | Education major discipline of candidate |
experience | Candidate total experience in years |
company_size | No of employees in current employer's company |
company_type | Type of current employer |
lastnewjob | Difference in years between previous job and current job |
training_hours | Training hours completed |
target | Looking for job change (0: No, 1: Yes) |
- Handled missing values
- Implemented encoding techniques
- Applied feature scaling
- Reduced dimensions using PCA
- Created automated pipelines for preprocessing steps
Explored multiple classification algorithms:
- Stochastic Gradient Descent
- Logistic Regression
- Linear SVC
- Random Forest Classifier
- Extra Trees Classifier
- Voting Classifier (Ensemble of Logistic Regression, Random Forest, and ExtraTrees)
- Primary metric: ROC-AUC Score (due to class imbalance)
- Secondary metric: Accuracy
Validation Set Performance:
- Accuracy: 91.01%
- ROC-AUC Score: 93.4%
Test Set Performance:
- Accuracy: 73%
- ROC-AUC Score: 71.49%
- Python 3.8+
- Required libraries:
pandas numpy scikit-learn matplotlib seaborn pickle
git clone
cd HR-Analytics
- Implementation of more sophisticated anomaly detection methods
- Feature engineering to improve model performance
- Exploration of deep learning approaches
- Addressing class imbalance by applying over- & undersampling techniques
Team Member |
Abdurrahman ODABAŞI |
Muhammed ŞİHEBİ |
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