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Assessment Item Session Management

Jérôme Bogaerts edited this page Apr 11, 2019 · 2 revisions

Assessment Item Session Management

Introduction Example

The following example demonstrates how to instantiate an item session for a given QTI XML item document. The item in use in this example is the "Composition of Water" item, from the QTI 2.1 Implementation Guide.

use qtism\common\enums\BaseType;
use qtism\common\enums\Cardinality;
use qtism\common\datatypes\QtiIdentifier;
use qtism\data\storage\xml\XmlDocument;
use qtism\runtime\common\State;
use qtism\runtime\common\ResponseVariable;
use qtism\runtime\common\MultipleContainer;
use qtism\runtime\tests\AssessmentItemSession;

// Instantiate a new QTI XML document, and load a QTI XML document.
$itemDoc = new XmlDocument('2.1');

 * A QTI XML document can be used to load various pieces of QTI content such as assessmentItem,
 * assessmentTest, responseProcessing, ... components. Our target is an assessmentItem, which is the
 * root component of our document.
$item = $itemDoc->getDocumentComponent();

 * The item session represents the collected and computed data related to the interactions a
 * candidate performs on a single assessmentItem. As per the QTI specification, "an item session
 * is the accumulation of all attempts at a particular instance of an assessmentItem made by
 * a candidate.
$itemSession = new AssessmentItemSession($item);

// The candidate is entering the item session, and is beginning his first attempt.

 * We instantiate the responses provided by the candidate for this assessmentItem, for the current
 * item session. For this assessmentItem, the data collected from the candidate is represented by 
 * a State, composed of a single ResponseVariable named 'RESPONSE'.
$responses = new State(
        // The 'RESPONSE' ResponseVariable has a QTI multiple cardinality, and a QTI identifier baseType.
        new ResponseVariable(
             * The ResponseVariable value is a Container with multiple cardinality and an identifier
             * baseType to meet the cardinality and baseType requirements of the ResponseVariable.
            new MultipleContainer(
                 * The values composing the Container are identifiers 'H' and 'O', which represent
                 * the correct response to this item.
                    new QtiIdentifier('H'),
                    new QtiIdentifier('O')

 * The candidate is finishing the current attempt, by providing a correct response.
 * ResponseProcessing takes place to produce a new value for the 'SCORE' OutcomeVariable.

// The item session variables and their values can be accessed by their identifier.
echo 'numAttempts: ' . $itemSession['numAttempts'] . "\n";
echo 'completionStatus: ' . $itemSession['completionStatus'] . "\n";
echo 'RESPONSE: ' . $itemSession['RESPONSE'] . "\n";
echo 'SCORE: ' . $itemSession['SCORE'] . "\n";

 * numAttempts: 1
 * completionStatus: completed
 * RESPONSE: ['H'; 'O']
 * SCORE: 2

// End the current item session.

Multiple Attempts Example

As per the QTI specification, item sessions allow a single attempt to be performed by default. Trying to begin an attempt that will make the item session exceeding the maximum number of attempts will lead to a PHP exception, as in the following example.

use qtism\data\storage\xml\XmlDocument;
use qtism\runtime\common\State;
use qtism\runtime\tests\AssessmentItemSession;
use qtism\runtime\tests\AssessmentItemSessionException;

$itemDoc = new XmlDocument('2.1');
$item = $itemDoc->getDocumentComponent();

$itemSession = new AssessmentItemSession($item);

// Begin 1st attempt.
// End attempt by providing an empty response...
$itemSession->endAttempt(new State());

// Begin 2nd attempt, but by default, maximum number of attempts is 1.
try {
} catch (AssessmentItemSessionException $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();
    // A new attempt for item 'choiceMultiple' is not allowed. The maximum number of attempts (1) is reached.

If multiple attempts are permitted on a given assessmentItem, the itemSessionControl's maxAttempts attribute can be modified to allow multiple or unlimited attempts that can be performed by a candidate.

use qtism\data\ItemSessionControl;
use qtism\data\storage\xml\XmlDocument;
use qtism\runtime\common\State;
use qtism\runtime\tests\AssessmentItemSession;

$itemDoc = new XmlDocument('2.1');
$item = $itemDoc->getDocumentComponent();
$itemSession = new AssessmentItemSession($item);

// Set the maximum number of attempts to 0 (means unlimited).
$itemSessionControl = new ItemSessionControl();

// Performing multiple attempts will not lead to a PHP exception anymore, because the maximum number of attemps is unlimited!

// 1st attempt will be an incorrect response from the candidate (['H'; 'Cl']).
$responses = new State(
        new ResponseVariable(
            new MultipleContainer(
                    new QtiIdentifier('H'),
                    new QtiIdentifier('Cl')


echo "numAttempts: " . $itemSession['numAttempts'] . "\n";
echo "completionStatus: " . $itemSession['completionStatus'] . "\n";
echo "RESPONSE: " . $itemSession['RESPONSE'] . "\n";
echo "SCORE: " . $itemSession['SCORE'] . "\n";

 * numAttempts: 1
 * completionStatus: completed
 * RESPONSE: ['H'; 'N']
 * SCORE: 0

// 2nd attempt will send a correct response this time (['H'; 'O'])!

echo "numAttempts: " . $itemSession['numAttempts'] . "\n";
echo "completionStatus: " . $itemSession['completionStatus'] . "\n";
echo "RESPONSE: " . $itemSession['RESPONSE'] . "\n";
echo "SCORE: " . $itemSession['SCORE'] . "\n";

 * numAttempts: 2
 * completionStatus: completed
 * RESPONSE: ['H'; 'O']
 * SCORE: 2
