Atom package for easy implementation of all-contributors spec within atom editor
Open a project using (Why? #1)
atom ProjectName
in your terminal and paste the following towards the end:
<!-- Contributors START
fname_mname_lname githubUsername websiteLink contributionType1 contributionType2
fname_mname_lname githubUsername websiteLink contributionType1 contributionType5 contributionType7
fname_mname_lname githubUsername websiteLink contributionType3
Contributors END -->
<!-- Contributors table START -->
<!-- Contributors table END -->
This project follows the [all-contributors]( specification.
Hit ctrl+alt+p
to parse the contributors list to build contributors' table as specified in the all-contributors spec.
You can reduce the boilerplate to only adding contributers details by using addcon-i snippet on an markdown file. The snippet produces:
<!-- Contributors START
Contributors END -->
<!-- Contributors table START -->
<!-- Contributors table END -->
This project follows the [all-contributors]( specification.
Inside the Contributors START comment, start from a newline, the name of the person concatenated by underscore for breaks(eg. Mayank_Badola), his/her github username, his/her website url and all the types of contributions made by that user.
Make sure you seperate these details by a space character.(eg. Mayank_Badola mbad0la code doc)
Press ctrl+alt+p
to refresh the tables.
Type | Represents |
code | Code |
utility | Plugin/utility libraries |
tools | Tools |
infra | Infrastructure (Hosting, Build-Tools, etc) |
doc | Documentation |
translation | Translation |
answers | Answering Questions (in Issues, Stack Overflow, Gitter, Slack, etc.) |
tests | Tests |
bug | Bug reports |
example | Examples |
blogpost | Blogposts |
tutorial | Tutorials |
video | Videos |
talks | Talks |
design | Design |
prReview | Reviewed Pull Requests |
Mayank Badola 💻 📖 |
Divjot Singh 💻 📖 |
Tam Love 💻 📖 |
Haz 💻 |
Any further contributions are more than welcome to help make this utility more awesome!