This is the linear regression example used in my 'How to get started with Machine Learning' PyCon 2014 talk.
The full pythonb script is provided in The ipython notebook provides example code snippets and shows how this example was developed.
All png files are illustration outputs used in the presentation.
Dataset: brainhead.dat
Source: R.J. Gladstone (1905). "A Study of the Relations of the Brain to to the Size of the Head", Biometrika, Vol. 4, pp105-123
Description: Brain weight (grams) and head size (cubic cm) for 237 adults classified by gender and age group.
Variables/Columns Gender 8 /* 1=Male, 2=Female / Age Range 16 / 1=20-46, 2=46+ */ Head size (cm^3) 21-24 - converted to inches cubed Brain weight (grams) 29-32 - converted to pounds
Built initial linear regression with code taken straight from sci-kit learn.
- Code source: Jaques Grobler
- License: BSD 3 clause
- Code was replaced by the above dataset and reworked