Releases: nriddiford/svSupport
Releases · nriddiford/svSupport
Calculate normalised read depth ratios from normal bam; af from obs/ex read support
Read depth
- Major update to calculate read depth ratios on the fly when 'normal' bam provided
- Will use the number of reads in both bams to normalise for different sequencing depths between samples
Allele frequency
- Now use the observed / expected values to adjust allele frequency for tumour purity
Get regions
- Now just take regions surrounding bps (+/- 500 currently - should adj to scale for fragment length)
- This greatly increases speed as:
- No longer need to search whole file for mates
- Now just merge reads surrounding bps (rather than all contained within bps)
v0.6.1 - Fix pysam index bug
Fix indexing bug
v0.5.2 - Improve guesswork
Improve guesswork by using softclipped reads
v0.5 - minor improvements and bug fixes
version 0.5 - Revert to orignals bps if not able to hone; panads in c…
v0.4 - common class for all types & read config for batch process
version 0.4; Shared class for all events; read config for batch proce…
v0.3 - calculate for fragments; filter opposing for supporting
version 0.3 - calculate for fragments (not reads); fiter opposing for…
v0.2 - shared functions into modules
version 0.2 - move shared functions into modules
v0.1 - first release
version 0.1 - first version - works for deletions