A CLI app to replace markdown code snippets with screenshots
Note: Requires PhantomJS to be installed. If you're using OSX and have Homebrew installed, this can be done with
$ brew install phantomjs
To use, run the following scripts from the root directory of any markdown file to parse:
First, pass the url to the markdown file you want to crawl..
# pass the url to the markdown file to parse as an argument
$ phantomjs app.js https://github.com/ga-wdi-lessons/activerecord-intro
# this will output screenshots in a directory /images
Then, replace the code snippets with screenshots in your markdown file...
# pass the name of the markdown file and redirect to the name of the file to create
$ node markdown.js readme.md > new_readme.md # creates a file called new_readme.md
# assumes you are in the same directory as the images directory
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