Welcome to my GitHub account! This space is dedicated only to showcasing my projects. Each project is focused on solving a specific task. Feel free to explore my repositories.
My Toolset:
My Certifications:
My Projects:
- Enterprise_CICD and gitops-pipeline: Implementation of robust, scalable, and secure CI/CD pipeline.
- Engineering Challenge: Completing a hands-on DevOps engineering challenge
- ArgoCD and nginx-private-argo: A Continuous Deployment-focused project
- GitHub Actions and ArgoCD: A Continuous Integration-focused project
- EKS Cluster: Kubernetes cluster setup with HPA, Cluster Autoscaler, and Cert Manager
- CSI Driver: Enabling Kubernetes to manage AWS EBS volumes through PVs and PVCs
- EFS: Enabling Kubernetes to manage AWS EFS volumes
- RDS: Best practices for provisioning databases, handling secrets, and integrating alerts
- Lambda: Rotating secrets in AWS Secrets Manager using AWS Lambda
- Logging: Implementing logging with the EFK stack (Elasticsearch, Fluentd, and Kibana)
- Monitoring: Implementing monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana
- VPC: Terraform modules for reusable code and infrastructure provisioning best practices
- Slackbot: Containerizing a Slackbot that listens to events from a Slack channel
- nmend.dev: Repository for my website (code only)
- Certbot: Managing SSL/TLS certificates with Certbot
- Sealed Secrets: Enhancing Infrastructure as Code reusability with Sealed Secrets
- SpringBoot Docker: Containerizing a Java application built with SpringBoot and Maven