App by Nick West. Email: [email protected]
Companion repo for JWT Auth with an Elixir on Phoenix 1.4 API and React Native, Part I: Phoenix JWT API
This is a demo Phoenix Elixir JWT REST API app, using Ueberauth's Guardian package for JWT authentication and riverrun's Comeonin/bcrypt_elixir packages for password hashing.
Note: replace the Guardian config secret with your own, as the secrets used in this demo app are public.
To start your Phoenix server:
- Install dependencies with
mix deps.get
- Create and migrate your database with
mix ecto.create && mix ecto.migrate
- Start Phoenix server with
mix phx.server
Our API routes are configured in lib/myApi_web/router.ex
By default, they are:
a JSON "user"
to /api/v1/sign_up
"user": {
"email": "[email protected]",
"password": "some_password",
"password": "some_password"
If the client sign up POST
request is successful, the server will return a JSON Web Token, as { "jwt": "some JSON web token here"}
a valid email and password JSON to /api/v1/sign_in
"email": "[email protected]",
"password": "some_password"
If the client POST
sign in request is successful, the server will return a JSON Web Token, as { "jwt": "some JSON web token here"}
The subject of our JWT is its correlating user's user_id
With the request header "Authorization": "Bearer " + jwt
, a client can retrieve user data via a GET
request to /api/v1/my_user
- Guides:
- Docs:
- Source:
If you enjoyed this tutorial, consider buying me a coffee :)
My Bitcoin address: 1EoaCpygbLgmeNaKWuba1PMM1Nu9WzRpXm