PhotoMagasin is a school project, it should not be used daily unless you love the loading icons (Because the program is long, very long...)
def lien(): # Fonction pour changer la photo
global largeur
global hauteur
global imgSource
Lien = filedialog.askopenfilename(initialdir = "/",title = "Select file",filetypes = (("Fichier PNG","*.png"),))
imgSource = # On ouvre l'image
largeur, hauteur = imgSource.size
The variables and comments are in French. I may translate them into English if I have the time
The program was made under Python 3.8, it works under Python 3.9.4
The program use :
PIL (Pillow)
If you ever run it under Python 2.7, tell me if it works
Programme made by me and Matthieu Azzoun Minet