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Nin★ edited this page Mar 26, 2024 · 27 revisions



Player controls

Action Keyboard Key Gamepad Button
Move ◁, ▷ or A, D ◁, ▷
Crouch or S
Jump X, P or Shift B or X
Dash Z, O or Ctrl A or Y
Spin or W + Jump L or R

Course Maker shortcuts

Key Action
SPACEBAR Quick test your course
ALT Test your course from the beginning
TAB Open Course Elements menu
V Toggle layout visibility
G Toggle grid visibility / type
T Toggle player trails
ESCAPE Open main menu

Other shorcuts

Key Action
ALT+ENTER Toggle fullscreen
END Start over (while playing a course)
F1 Toggle debug mode

Managing courses

By clicking on the Coursebot coursebot, the following options will be available:

  • save Save - Exports your course into a file that you can edit later or share with other people.
  • load Load - Imports a course file. It replaces any data that is currently loaded in the course maker, make sure to save your current course before loading another one.
  • image Capture - Generates an image of the current course. You can use it as a preview when sharing your course.

Loading courses from the internet

When loading courses, you can easily download them directly from the internet:

  1. Select the option to open a course as you would normally do.
  2. Search for the course you want to play (must be in .uni or .unis) and copy its URL.
  3. Paste it in the name bar, then select open and wait until the course is automatically downloaded and started.

This will not work with courses packed inside a .zip.

Placing and erasing elements

  • place Place
    1. Select an element in the Course Elements menu.
    2. In your course, left click to place the selected element in an empty area.
  • erase Erase
    1. Hover over some element in the course.
    2. Right click to erase that element.


You can erase or place multiple elements by pressing and holding one of buttons. You can clear your current selection by clicking on the eraser eraser icon.

Placing items inside blocks

  1. Place an item and a block in an empty area apart from each other.
  2. Drag the item over the block by pressing and holding the left mouse button.
  3. Then drop the item by releasing the button.


Accessing alternative versions of an element

  1. Select an element in the Course Elements menu.
  2. Press SHIFT or E.


Note: Not all elements have an alternative version.

Changing the size of semi-solid platforms

  1. Place the semi-solid platform in an empty area.
  2. Hold it by pressing and holding the left mouse button.
  3. Then press and hold the CTRL key while keeping the left mouse button pressed.
  4. With both pressed:
    • Press ◁ / ▷ to change the width.
    • Press △ / ▽ to change the height.


You can also use the WASD keys instead of arrow keys and the right mouse button instead of CTRL key.

Positioning Mario in the screen (Course Maker)

Using the arrow keys while pressing C will keep the camera in place while allowing you to reposition Mario in the screen.

Resetting preferences

  1. Close UniMaker
  2. Open your file explorer
  3. Type: %localappdata%\UniMaker in the address bar and then press enter
  4. Delete settings.ini

This will not remove any of your courses, but the total amount of courses played will be set to zero, as well as your global score.


General solutions

The following steps can avoid/solve common problems regarding the overall functionality of the game:

  • Go to the .zip file you downloaded containing the game, right-click on it and go to Properties, check the Unblock box and click on the apply button, extract the game again and then, if possible, run it as administrator. This can solve problems regarding permissions.

  • Avoid storing the game and its files in directories with special characters in their names (E.g.: â,Ñ,ç,&.). If you are still having trouble when starting the game, try moving it to the main drive, usually C\.

Specific solutions

I can't save my course, the file does not appear.

For unknown reasons it is not possible to save courses in the same directory as the game, you can try saving in a different directory; it's always recommended to run the game as administrator.

I can't load my course, it's incomplete / totally empty.

The file wasn't properly generated, something may have interrupted the exporting step, usually when the game is closed during the save process or some fatal error shows up. There is no way to recover it.

Songs won't play.

Try moving the game directory to a shorter location. If it's on a different driver, try moving it to the main one (usually C:\)

I'm having performance issues.

Try changing the graphics settings in the game: set vsync to ON (Alt.) or set graphic processing to Normal, If the problem is with a specific level, check the size of the customization files, this may be the cause.

I can't change the key binding.

It is not possible in the beta versions, however you can use gamepads compatible with DirectInput or Xinput by enabling it on settings menu.

I'm using a gamepad, but the button mapping doesn't work as expected.

In that case I highly recommend using a third party software for mapping the controls, you can try something like antimicro.


Getting started

First, you should look for a base, there are 3 different templates included with game that you can use:

  • Simple (Recommended)
  • Layers, Parallax & Particles
  • Animations

After choosing a template, modify any assets you wish with the applications of your choice.


  1. Animations are done with horizontal sprite sheets, so for all animations each frame is next to each other in a single image file.
    • If you are using Aseprite to make your sprites, you can export your animations in the correct format by going to File ➜ Export Sprite Sheet and then changing the Sheet Type to Horizontal Strip.
  2. Don't exceed the sprite's limits, except for backgrounds and effect layers.
  3. Large sprites can impact performance, this also applies to any sprites with too many animation frames.
  4. Add alpha channel to your sprites, using green or magenta will not work as transparency.
  5. Song files should be in .ogg Vorbis, this the only format that will work with the game.

Configuration reference



; Properties
underwater = 0
color_grid = 0

; Frames & Animations
sprsheet_frames = 1
sprsheet_anim = 0
bg_frames = 1
bg_anim = 0

; Color
bg_color_r = 255
bg_color_g = 255
bg_color_b = 255

; Background
bg_camfixed = 0
bg_parallax_h = 1.00
bg_parallax_v = 0.00
bg_range_h = 0.00
bg_range_v = 0.00
bg_tiled_h = 1
bg_tiled_v = 1
bg_offset_h = 0
bg_offset_v = 0
bg_scroll_h = 0.00
bg_scroll_v = 0.00

; Particles
emitter_type = 0
emitter_intensity = 0


  • underwater

Adds water or other property to the course.

0 No water
1 Fills the entire course with water
2 Adds water to the bottom part of the course
3 Adds lava to bottom part of the course

  • color_grid

Sets the color of the grid used in the Course Maker.

0 Black grid, better for lighter backgrounds
1 White grid, better for darker backgrounds

  • sprsheet_frames
  • bg_frames

The total amount of frames of a sprite sheet

  • sprsheet_anim
  • bg_anim

The time interval (in frames) in which the animation advance one frame.

Since the game runs at 60 frames per second, Setting to 60 will advance 1 frame every second, 120 to advance 1 frame every 2 seconds or 30 to advance 2 frames every second.

  • bg_color_r
  • bg_color_g
  • bg_color_b

Fill the background with a specific component color. See the image bellow:


  • bg_camfixed

Setting to 1 will force the background to follow the camera.

  • bg_range_h
  • bg_range_v

The strength of the background parallax, you can use decimal values to make more precise changes. Setting to 0 will let the game determine the parallax automatically.

  • bg_tiled_h
  • bg_tiled_v

1 will repeat the background horizontally and/or vertically across the entire course. 0 will make it only draw once in one of these direction.

  • bg_offset_h
  • bg_offset_v

Initial position of the background in pixels. Negative values are allowed.

  • bg_scroll_h
  • bg_scroll_v

Scrolling speed of the background in pixels. Negative values will make it scroll to the opposite direction, you can also use decimals.

  • emitter_type

A particle emitter to be used in the course.

0 None
1 Rain
2 Snow
3 Storm
4 Cinder
5 Wind

  • emitter_intensity

The intensity of particles to be emitted. 1 creates a higher particle stream.



; Properties
opacity = 1.00
depth = 0
bmode = 0

; Frames & Animation
frames = 1
anim = 0

; Layer
camfixed = 0
parallax_h = 1
parallax_v = 0
range_h = 0.00
range_v = 0.00
tiled_h = 1
tiled_v = 1
offset_h = 0
offset_v = 0
scroll_h = 0.00
scroll_v = 0.00

? represents the index of the effect layer, it can go from 1 to 5.


  • opacity

The opacity of the effect layer, the lower the value the more transparent it will be.

The ranges from 0.00 to 1.00, so 0.75 is the same as 75% opaque.

  • depth

0 draws the effect layer on the background, while 1 draws it on the foreground.

The index of the effect layer will determine the order in which it will be drawn and its parallax range (the latter if set to automatic). See the image below:


  • bmode

Sets the blend mode of the effect layer.

State Result
0 Normal
1 Additive
2 Subtractive
3 Max

The following parameters share the same properties as those listed on the right:

frames bg_frames
anim bg_anim
camfixed bg_camfixed
parallax_h, parallax_v bg_parallax_h, bg_parallax_v
range_h, range_v bg_range_h, bg_range_v
tiled_h, tiled_v bg_tiled_h, bg_tiled_v
offset_h, offset_v bg_offset_h, bg_offset_v
scroll_h, scroll_v bg_scroll_h, bg_scroll_v

Using Customizatons

Adding custom theme to a course

  1. Pick the "?" theme and save your course;
  2. Create a folder and move the course and theme files into it;
  3. Go back to the editor and load your course file again.

Enabling effect layers

  • To enable effect layers, just click on the cat icon.

This will only work if there is at least one effect layer file in the same folder as the course. You can also use effect layers on any built-in theme.

Enabling custom songs on built-in themes

  • Open the audio menu and then click on the "?" button.

This will only work if there is at least an uni_music_play.ogg file in the same folder as the course.