Impute implements a couple of known low-rank matrix imputing methods. Namely, you can find the implementation of the following algorithms:
- Fixed-point continuation method (
- Soft-impute method (
As this package is not published in PyPI, you need to install directly from the Github repo. The following command installs the most recent version of the package:
pip install git+ssh://[email protected]/nimily/low-rank-impute.git@master#egg=impute
import numpy as np
import numpy.random as npr
import numpy.linalg as npl
from impute import Dataset
from impute import SoftImpute
from impute import EntryTraceLinearOp
shape = 100, 100
n_row, n_col = shape
p = 0.05
b = np.ones(shape)
op = EntryTraceLinearOp(shape)
ys = []
for i in range(n_row):
for j in range(n_col):
if npr.binomial(1, p) == 1:
op.append((i, j, 1))
ys.append(b[i, j] + npr.randn())
ds = Dataset(op, ys)
imputer = SoftImpute(shape)
alpha_max = imputer.alpha_max(ds)
alpha_min = alpha_max / 100
alpha_seq = imputer.get_alpha_seq(ds, alpha_min, 0.5)
zs =, alpha_seq)
ms = [z.to_matrix() for z in zs]
for alpha, m in zip(alpha_seq, ms):
rel_err = npl.norm(b - m, 'fro') / npl.norm(b, 'fro')
print('alpha = {alpha}, rel_err = {rel_err}'.format(alpha=alpha, rel_err=rel_err))
You can test the package using the following shell command:
python -c 'import impute; print(impute.__path__[0])'
pytest "$impute_path"