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An abc player that will load abc files and play a song complete with music notations and Säckpipa chanter diagrams.


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Sackpipa Player


  • Bootstrapped with Webpack4 Boiler Plate
  • Built on top of a customized version of ABCJS
  • Build with local ABC files and add more ABC songs at runtime.
  • Page View Mode to view the entire song in portait view instead of in a sliding scroller.
  • Full Screen Mode with mobile compatibility in mind.
  • Disable Repeating Segments to remove any repeating bars. This helps when you need to learn the song without scrolling everywhere.
  • Realtime compatibility shows which notes are incompatible with the selected chanter.
  • Simple setup instructions
    • Start development of a project right away with simple, configured, browser synced, linter monitored asset files.
  • Example assets directory for reference and demo building of:
    • JavaScript
    • SASS
    • Images
    • Fonts
  • Support for assets optimization for production:
    • Minification of JavaScript and CSS files.
    • Inline images / fonts files having file size below a configurable threshold value.
  • Code style and formatting linters configuration and setup for:
    • SASS
    • JavaScript
  • Latest Webpack 4 - JavaScript module bundler.
  • Latest SASS/CSS compiler based on node-sass which provides bindings to libsass.
  • Latest Babel 7 (@babel/core) - JavaScript compiler - Use next generation JavaScript, today.
  • Configured and ready to use BrowserSync plugin - browser-sync-webpack-plugin

Custom ABC Directives


  • The BPM can be controlled using native abcjs implementation with major difficulties. A convenience directive was added to simplify this.
  • The directive must be wrapped in double qoutes
Q: "BPM=100"


  • Not reccomended, it's instead ideal to transpose the song to your preference before adding it to the player.
  • This will add additional steps to the rendering process which could introduce bugs and slower load times.
  • This can be added to the Key header (K:) but do not specify this header twice or one will be ignored (as with all headers).
K: Amin transpose=1

Plugging Chanter Scallops

  • Currently with the a/E and g/D chanters there is the ability to plug not only the first scallop fgp=1 (a/E and g/D) but also the second sgp=1 (g/D only)
K: Amin transpose=0 fgp=1

Setting the chanter tuning

  • You can specify an interger value for tuning.
  • 0 E/A
  • 1 D/G
  • 2 C/F
K: Amin tuning=1

Ommiting DMCA protected Songs

This is useful when you want to load a song in the loader without both committing it to git and deploying it to your production environment. I have several songs that are copyrighted and would otherwise feel best not making them available to the general public, yet still want it to load in my non-production environment:

simply prefix the filename with dmca-{songnamehere}.abc

Disabling Songs

This is useful when you want to disable a song without completely removing it from your project directory. Any file matching this criteria won't load in any environment(prod, dev or mobile) nor be commited to version control.

simply prefix the filename with disabled-{songnamehere}.abc or put it in the src/abc/disabled folder.


  • node : ^10 || ^12 || >=14
  • npm



  1. Install all dependencies using npm clean install.
$ npm ci

More on the clean install npm command can be read here npm ci

You can still use npm install in cases the npm ci raises system error due to specific platform incompatibilities.

Development / Build Assets

Assets Source

  • ABC files are located under /src/abc/
  • SASS files are located under /src/scss/
  • JavaScript files with support of ES6 / ECMAScript 2016(ES7) files are located under /src/js/
  • Image files are located under /src/images/
  • Font files are located under /src/fonts/
  • HTML files are located under /src/

Build Assets

$ npm run build

Enable Source Files Watcher

$ npm run watch

Define any other files that needs syncing in files:[] section under BrowserSyncPlugin in webpack.config.js

BrowserSync UI can be reached by default on this location: http://localhost:3001


An abc player that will load abc files and play a song complete with music notations and Säckpipa chanter diagrams.





