If you're using certbot with Docker, you may face the problem, that the shell script provided by Hetzner does not work with the official certbot/certbot
Thankfully, the certbot container ships with python3 and the neccessery modules, which make it possible to write own python auth and cleanup scripts.
- Save the files somewhere on your server, i.e:
- Edit the
file and paste your DNS auth token there - Run
command - (Optional) configure
to run the script automatically
docker run --rm --name certbot -v /home/user/certbot/hetzner:/hetzner certbot/certbot certonly --manual --preferred-challenges=dns --manual-auth-hook "python /hetzner/certbot-hetzner-auth.py" --manual-cleanup-hook "python /hetzner/certbot-hetzner-cleanup.py" -d '<domain.tld>' -d '*.<domain.tld>'