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Gatsby Snippets

Snippets for GatsbyJS.

Gatsby JS snippets in action

Release Notes


  • Changed the name of the package to Gatsby Snippets


  • Updated cheesy logo


Added GatsbyJS graphql image fragment snippets.


Added list of shortcuts.


Added cheesy icon.


Added the GatbsyJS markdown page snippet.


Initial release.

Gatsby Markdown snippets shortcuts

Press Ctrl+Space (Windows, Linux) or Cmd+Space (OSX) to see a list of Markdown snippets

Snippet Output
ga creates a new article
gp creates a new page

Working with Markdown

Here are some useful editor keyboard shortcuts:

  • Split the editor (Cmd+\ on OSX or Ctrl+\ on Windows and Linux)
  • Toggle preview (Shift+CMD+V on OSX or Shift+Ctrl+V on Windows and Linux)

More information

Gatsby Graphql snippets shortcuts

These snippets require embedded graphql syntax support. You can enable support by installing gatsby-extension-pack.

Gatsby Image sharp snippets

Snippet Output
gfi ...GatsbyImageSharpFixed
gfino ...GatsbyImageSharpFixed_noBase64
gfisvg ...GatsbyImageSharpFixed_tracedSVG
gfiwp ...GatsbyImageSharpFixed_withWebp
gfiwpno ...GatsbyImageSharpFixed_withWebp_noBase64
gfiwpsvg ...GatsbyImageSharpFixed_withWebp_tracedSVG
gfl ...GatsbyImageSharpFluid
gflno ...GatsbyImageSharpFluid_noBase64
gflsvg ...GatsbyImageSharpFluid_tracedSVG
gflwp ...GatsbyImageSharpFluid_withWebp
gflwpno ...GatsbyImageSharpFluid_withWebp_noBase64
gflwpsvg ...GatsbyImageSharpFluid_withWebp_tracedSVG

Gatsby Source Contentful snippets

Snippet Output
gscfi ...GatsbyContentfulFixed
gscfino ...GatsbyContentfulFixed_noBase64
gscfisvg ...GatsbyContentfulFixed_tracedSVG
gscfiwp ...GatsbyContentfulFixed_withWebp
gscfiwpno ...GatsbyContentfulFixed_withWebp_noBase64
gscfl ...GatsbyContentfulFluid
gscflno ...GatsbyContentfulFluid_noBase64
gscflsvg ...GatsbyContentfulFluid_tracedSVG
gscflwp ...GatsbyContentfulFluid_withWebp
gscflwpno ...GatsbyContentfulFluid_withWebp_noBase64

Gatsby Source DatoCMS snippets

Snippet Output
gsdfi ...GatsbyDatoCmsFixed
gsdfino ...GatsbyDatoCmsFixed_noBase64
gsdfl ...GatsbyDatoCmsFluid
gsdflno ...GatsbyDatoCmsFluid_noBase64
