Welcome to MountWizzard4 is a utility for 10micron users for improving the workflow for astronomy work and imaging runs on Windows, OSx and Linux (Ubuntu tested). As a python application, it should run in all environments which support python 3.6-3.8 including Qt as a Gui framework.
For full operation MW4 needs actually running INDI Server(s) (see: https://indilib.org) connected to your devices. MW4 will support ASCOM Alpaca (see: https://ascom-standards.org/Developer/Alpaca.htm) in the next step as well. In addition an online connection is used for some services which might be very helpful.
It is recommended to use mount firmware 2.16 (ideally 2.16.11) or later as some of the functions don't work with older firmware versions.
The documentation for install/use could be found online under: https://mountwizzard4.readthedocs.io . There is also a PDF version available for download. There are some videos (more to come) on youtube in the channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJD-5qdLEcBTCugltqw1hXA/, but they are also linked in the online documentation
- Actual master:
- Actual code coverage chart:
- Python build for version 3.6.x:
- Python build for version 3.7.x:
- Python build for version 3.8.x:
- Downloadable version from pypi.org:
Please report bugs only under issues: https://github.com/mworion/MountWizzard4/issues. Any feedback welcome!
MountWizzard4 is still in beta development. The use this software is at your own risk! No responsibility for damages to your mount or other equipment or your environment. Please take care yourself!
Hope this tool makes fun and helps for your hobby,
CS Michel