Make a bizarro Twitter account using Markov chains. Currently hack-level-quality code (look ma, no tests!).
$ bizarro_twitter
bizarro_twitter help [COMMAND] # Describe available commands or one speci...
bizarro_twitter tweet # Tweet nonsense
[--secrets=SECRETS] # YAML file that contains twitter secrets
# Default: secrets.yml
[--users=one two three] # Users to pull tweets from for Markov chain seeding
[--dry-run] # Don't post to Twitter
[-f], [--no-f] # Post to Twitter no matter what
It's meant to be ran as a cronjob, like every 5 minutes. By default it only tweets if the seed account has a tweet newer than the bizarro account. I think it's more weird that way, like the bot's stalking that user.
You gotta bundle install first!
bundle install --path .bundle
- Head over to twitter
- Create a bizarro account
- Sign up for API access
- Get yourself an access token as the bizarro user. This is how it knows what user to tweet as.
Drop the access token, consumer key, and secrets into a YAML file. secrets.yml
is where the tool looks first. It should look like this:
consumer_key: 'git'
consumer_secret: 'outta'
access_token: 'here'
access_token_secret: 'punk'