QueryLoader v2 is a better version of the old script posted in 2009. It serves the main purpose of preloading the images on your website by showing an overlay and a loading bar. It automatically fetches all your images and background images and preloads them before showing the webpage. QueryLoader currently works with jQuery v1.7.2 and in IE version > 7, Chrome, Safari and Firefox.
Read the full post here: http://www.gayadesign.com/diy/queryloader2-preload-your-images-with-ease/
Include the script in the head section of your webpage.
<script src="path/to/file/jquery.queryloader2.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Be sure to add it after you include jQuery.
Now call QueryLoader in a $(document).ready() like this:
$(document).ready(function () {
For support on iOS devices use the following code:
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
(string) background color of the loader (in hex).
(string) background color of the bar (in hex).
(int) Height of the bar in pixels. Default: 1
(string) set the animation type at the end. Options: "grow" or "fade". Default is fade.
(int) time in miliseconds which the loading has to run. If time has not passed the animation will still show.
(boolean) set to true to find ALL images with the selected elements. If you don't want queryLoader to look in the children, set to false. Default: true.
(boolean) Set to true to enable percentage visualising. Default is false.
(function) this function is called once the loading and animation are completed.
(function) this function is called once the loading is complete. This is handy when changing the animation at the end.