A simple command line utility to download MP3 files of Spotify tracks
$ sudo gem install spotify-to-mp3
Probably sudo
can be ommited if using rvm or similar.
Make sure you have rubygems installed and configured:
$ sudo apt-get install rubygems1.9 ruby1.9.1-dev
$ echo 'PATH=$PATH:/var/lib/gems/1.9/bin' | sudo tee /etc/profile.d/rubygems1.9.sh >/dev/null
$ sudo gem install spotify-to-mp3
gem install spotify-to-mp3
Create a file (like
) and copy the Spotify songs URLs to it. Plain song names are also accepted. It will look like this:http://open.spotify.com/track/1JqTcOjOn7gEpeC0JcRVPa spotify:track:1fE3ddAlmjJ99IIfLgZjTy The Drums - Money
Download songs. They are saved to the current directory. Errors will appear in red (like when a song is not found).
$ spotify-to-mp3 songs.txt
- Set filename artist and title from Grooveshark
- Touch already downloaded songs. This way songs no more in the download list can be spotted easily.
- Make it work on ruby 1.8.7 (Snow Leopard)
- Both Spotify URLs and plain song names are accepted
$ rspec
- Consider multiple artists songs
- Filter Grooveshark results by artist, title and length
- Accept tracks from stdin (instead of from a file, to drag songs directly to the app)
- Exit with a single Ctrl+C
- Cleaner output
- Don't pick remixes